Chapter 6

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Jade's Pov
When our crazy theatre teacher said we were doing Alphabetical Improve, I knew this was the time. I was going to tell Vega I that I'm in love with her.
"Beck, Jade, and Tori." We all got up on the stage type thing.
"Tori, your letter is A. Begin." Okay here we go.

"All the people in here, let me tell you something." Tori said.
" 'Bout what, friend?" Beck asked sounding very interested.
"Care to tell us?" I piped in.
I took a deep breath as she continued.
"Dead, I will be after I say this." I said trying to stall.
"Everyone is listening." I said stepping close to Vega.
"For the love of god, spit it out." Beck growled.
"Guys, let me try to get this out." Tori begged us to be patience.
"Hurry, Tori." Beck was losing his patience. Vega about to say it but I blurted something.
"I am in love with Tori!" I yelled so everyone could hear me clearly.

Vega looked at me. Shocked. She took a few steps towards me and Beck just looked like he was paralyzed.
"Jade, I'm in love with you too." She said to me, she's now a few feet away from me.
"What the hell?!" Beck said, earning everyone's attention. "I leave you yesterday for Trina. And this is how you react? You love Tori." He's pissed.
"You left me, what did you expect from me? To beg you to come back?" I yelled at him, while I grabbed Vega's hand. Uh oh. This is where Beck gets violent. Beck walks up to me and Vega and he fucking pushes her away before swinging at me.
I catch his fist and knee him in the gut. He falls over in pain.
"Okay, Jade, Tori. Go sit down, I'll take Beck to the nurse. I'll be back shortly children." Our teacher said, helping Beck up and leaving.
"What the hell just happened?" I heard Vega mumble.
"No clue." I mumbles back, we sat down next to each other and stay quiet after that.

~Time Skip~

At lunch Vega and I sit as far away from each other, I pull out my phone and Text her a simple 'hey'. She quickly replies asking if we were going to talk about this.
I looked up at her and she was already looking at me. I nodded at her. She stood up and I followed.

We are standing at her locker, just being quiet.
"Jade.. " She whispered. She looked like she was about to cry. "Do you really love me?" She asked me, sounding hurt.

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