Chapter 20

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10 years later
Third Pov

"Jade!" Tori yelled for her wife. "Hurry up! We have to get to the reunion."
"I'm almost done! I just need to finish my hair." Jade yelled back.
Jade came running down the stairs, she is wearing two pieces, its a black skirt and a maroon top.
She looks beautiful, her hair is now brown with blonde highlights.
"You look stunning, my love." Tori told her. She smiled at me and kissed me softly.
"As do you, Babygirl." Jade said, causing Tori to smile and kiss her again. "We ready to go?" She nods.


"Jade!" I hear someone yell. Then Jade is tackled into a hug by a very person. Cat, she now has very long brown hair.
"Hey, Cat. Okay off, I can't breathe." I held Jade's hand while she and cat talked.
"Babygirl, can you grab me a drink, pwease?" Jade asked me using a baby voice. I giggle and nodded.

When I came back Jade was pressed against the wall by Beck?!? Jade was pushing him away and yelling. I ran up and pushed him away.
"Beck, what the hell! I'm married to Tori." Jade snapped at him, pulling a pair of scissors out of her combat boots. Of course.
I grabbed her arm and that calmed her down almost immediately. "Beck, dude what the fuck. You know Jade and I are married." I say, trying to not yell.
"Yeah, I know and you don't deserve her! I do." He roars. I walk away, pulling Jade with me.
"Go say bye to Cat. We're leaving." I told her, she kissed my check and jogged to cat. Giving her a small hug and a wave, when she got back to me we left.
We didn't talk on the drive home, but when we got there Jade started crying.
"Jade, what's wrong, Baby?" I asked as as walked up to the door.
"H-he touched me.. in p-places only you c-can." She said, sitting on the couch, curling into a ball.
"Oh baby. I am so sorry I wasn't there fast enough." I hugged her tightly. "Why dont we go upstairs and get comfy and cuddle?" I asked. She nodded.

When we got upstairs we took our dresses off, slipping into PJ's. I was in one of Jade's old shirts and a pair of my shorts.
She was in a soft *unbuttoned* flannel and a black sports bra with matching shorts.
We laid down and started watching something random called the Foster's. We watched it and cuddled until she fell asleep.
Slowly I fell asleep as well, but before I did, I held Jade closer and tighter.

The fukin end.

Jori -  Secret Love (FINISHED)Where stories live. Discover now