Chapter 5

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Tori's Pov
Jade wants to know what all Trina has done, okay. Let's go.
"Trina started to beat me when our parents stopped coming home for long periods of time." I roll up my sleeves and lift up my shirt, revealing cuts and bruises. Jade is in shock, just staring at my stomach. "She beats me when im too loud, ignore her, talk back, or just no reason." I finished. Jade gently pulled me close to her and held me.
"Tori, please promise me. If anyone ever hurts you tell me." She said, i nodded and cuddled into her.

                      ~Time Skip~

Jade and I fell asleep on the couch. When I woke up Jade was gone but there was a note on the table.

   Hey Vega, I had to go home, text me when you're up. If you need me hit me up. Stay safe and careful, Vega

I smile at the note and put it in my pocket, I reached for my phone and texted her.
It only took 30 seconds for a reply. We talked for a good hour before she had to go, makes sense.

-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_- AtSchool_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-

I was at my locker grabbing my book and stuff needed for class, Sikowitz's class was next.
"Hey Vega." I heard a soft voice say. Without looking away from my locker I reply.
  "Hey Jade, How are you?" I asked the love of my life.
"Pretty good, what about you? Anything from Trina?" She asked sounding very concerned, I smiled and feel my face heat up.
"I'm okay, she hasn't reached out." I said. She stepped closer to me and shut my locker, then pinned me against the lockers. I start blushing intensely.
"Vega, I need to talk to you about something. It's very important." She said, not letting me up. I looked away from her and nodded.
"Okay, what to talk now and skip class?" I asked her, she let me up.
"Nah, we have Sikowitz's class. Let's go." She said smiling and we headed to class.

  "Okay class. For todays warm up, Alphabetical Improve!" Our Crazy Drama teacher said. Everyone groaned as He called out who all will participate. "Beck, Jade, and Tori." We all got up on the stage type thing.
"Tori, your letter is A. Begin." Okay here we go.

"All the people in here, let me tell you something." I started.
" 'Bout what, friend?" Beck asked.
"Care to tell us?" Jade chipped in.
I took a deep breath and continues.
"Dead, I will be after I say this." I said trying to stall.
"Everyone is listening." Jade said stepping close to me.
"For the love of god, spit it out." Beck grumbled.
"Guys, let me try to get this out." I begged
"Hurry, Tori." Beck was losing his patience. I'm about to say it but Jade says something.
"I am in love with Tori!" Jade said out of nowhere.

  S-she loves me.. She is in love with me. The woman of my dreams feels the same.

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