Chapter 8

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Veronica's POV:
*back to present time*

As I get about 45 minutes into my movie, I get a text from Mattia.

Mattia 👀

Is Kairi being deadass?

Did Kairi really tell him?

Mattia 👀

About what?

Are you gonna come with us
to the lake on Saturday?

Is this what you interrupted my
movie for?

Bruh just answer my question.

Yes I'm going. Why?

I'm buying food for everyone who's
going I was just seeing if you were. Chill

It's only Wednesday and he's asking now. But whatever I guess it doesn't really mean anything. I grabbed my best pillow and hugged it. I dozed off. I had a dream. I was at a fancy restaurant with a candle lit while rose petals where scattered around the table. I was alone at the table, though. I looked over and saw Mattia walking to the table. He had a smile on his face. Don't see that very often. I wake up with a huge smile on my face. I remember the candle and light one myself, ten shading right back to my bed. I grab my pillow again and go to sleep. I wake up with Mattia in my arms. He looks so cute sleeping. His arms gripping my tightly. His body warm. I pull him closer while his body adjusts to this movement. I wake up again. Damn it. Just a pillow. But I was dreaming about him. I know I have it bad now. I decided that those were enough dreams so I got up and put my hair in a messy bun and went downstairs where I found my dad.

Dad: "hey honey. Wanna go get some food?"
Me: "yeah."

We got into the car and went to chipotle. We walked inside and I saw the three boys. I waved "hi" to them and sat down with my dad. We ordered our food, sat down again and then my dad went to the bathroom. Kairi walked over to my table and sat down.

Kairi: "so you deadass like him?"
Me: "do we really have to talk about this here, right now, where he's sitting 30 feet away from us?"
Kairi: "well look, I just want you guys to talk like normal people."
Me: "that's a good idea. I would try that except for that he hates me."
Kairi: "he doesn't hate you."
Me: "how would you know that?"
Kairi: "he doesn't hate you."

My dad walked over and Kairi stood up.

Dad: "weird seeing you here."
Kairi: "I know."
Dad: "alright well have a good night."
Kairi: "you too."

Kairi walks back over to his table and the boys stand up to leave. As they walk past, mine and Mattia's eyes lock before I look away. Damnnnnnnn that just happened.

Kairi's POV:

I had to find a plan to get them to connect. And fast. As a best friend I kinda feel like it's my job 😂. We're going to the lake today. I could work around that.

Mattia's POV:

Kairi told me the plan and how it would all work out. This should finally give me time to talk to her. I can't believe we really needed a whole plan to do this though. That's how low I am for this girl. I hope I can at least control my dumb comments though.

Veronica's POV:

I woke up this morning at 10 and got up quickly. We were all supposed to meet at Robert's house at 11. I got up, brushed my teeth, put my hair up, put my swimsuit on, put on a short dress, put on some slides, grabbed my keys and walked out the door. My dad was gonna be working until midday tomorrow, so I didn't really worry about permission. When I got to Robert's house, we got into his car and drove to the lake. We finally went somewhere with the whole group. Mattia bought us all Wendy's like he said he would. When we got to the lake, we ate our food and made a few Tik Toks. After we did that, we hung out and ate the rest of our food. It was already 4 before we go into the water. We all kept messing around when mainly me and Alvaro kept splashing each other when I heard a familiar voice behind me.

???- "hey guys!"
Me: "Sophia!"

I jumped out of the water and gave her a huge hug. Good thing she was already in her swimsuit because I got her soaking wet. We got into the water, or I dragged her in, and starting splashing each other with Alvaro again.

Sophia: "I missed you bro."
Me: "I missed you too loser."

Sophia and I went off alone.

Sophia: "catch me up on everything."

I told her everything. About how Mattia is still pissing me off and how he touched my mom's stuff and how I basically had a meltdown in front of both of the boys. I didn't tell her how I felt about Mattia. I don't really know how she would take it. But I did tell her about how Kairi knows about my mom now.

Sophia: "damn I missed a lot I'm 8 days."
Me: "well stop going on 8 day cruises then."

We both laughed and splashed each other.

Sophia: "okay, I gotta go to the bathroom."

She got out of the water and I swam back to where the boys were before. The sun was going down so I didn't want to get lost. I didn't realize but we went pretty far from them. When I got closer to our spot, I could see that there was only one person there, but I couldn't see who it was yet. I got closer and I could see... it was Mattia... of course. The one person that would be left had to be him.

Word count: 977

Authors note: okay I'm sorry I know I've been slacking on these stories. I've been so unmotivated and sad because of this coronavirus and everything being bad about it. I'm trying to pick back up again IM SO SORRY. 🥺

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