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"Shit. Shit. Shit. I'm going to be late. I'm going to be late!" I say to myself as I run down the crowded sidewalks of the University of Oregon.

I take a sharp turn but then run into someone, causing me and my books to go flying.

"Oh my God! Are you okay?" The person I ran into asks.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Can I just get some help with the books?" I ask, still not looking at them.

"Do you maybe want to get up first?" Ther person asks.

"Oh, yeah, yeah." The person offers their hand and I grab it, helping myself up. 

"Oo, wow! Muscles!" I squeeze the person's forearm, "Basketball player?" I ask. I then look up at the person's face and see none other than Sabrina Ionescu.

She has a massive blush spreading across her face.

"I'm so sorry. This is so embarrassing." I say while quickly pulling my books off the ground.

"It's fine. Quite the compliment actually." She says with a smile. "Where are you even heading?" She asks, changing the topic.

"To the advertising and brand management class. You?"

"Same. But why are you running there?" She asks.

"I'm going to be late for class," I say.

"You mean 20 minutes early?" 

"20 minutes early is 20 minutes late to me," I say.

"Can you at least walk to class with me?" She asks.

"Last one there has to buy the other lunch!" I yell. I start running and then she catches on and follows closely behind me.

I weave through people and into the hall. I make it to the classroom and Sabrina comes only seconds later.

"You owe me lunch!" I say, out of breath.

"How the hell do you run that fast?" She asks, equally out of breath.

"100 and 200-meter sprinter," I say.

"So you're the hot one on all those posters of the track team?" She asks, making me blush.

"Those were not the best angles. I mean, you could see my double-chin. Nobody wants to see that. That's the kind of thing you show on the fifth date, not to the whole campus." I rant, making Sabrina laugh.

"I never caught your name," Sabrina says as we sit down in the classroom.


"Sabrina." She says. She sticks out her hand for me to shake. I take her hand and give a firm shake.

"So, where are you from?" I ask.

"Walnut Creek, California. You?" She asks.

"LA. Watt district." I say, making Sabrina's eyes widen.

If you don't know, the Watt district is probably the most dangerous part of LA. It is home to many of the cities "Projects" or housing developments for the poor. There are many gangs including many that were associated with the Bloods and the Crips.

"Any family?" She asks, changing the subject.

"Not really. You?" I ask.

"A twin brother and an older brother. Eddy is my twin and Andrei is my older brother." She says.

"Favourite music genre?" I ask.

"Country. You?"

"A little bit of everything, but I've got to go with hip-hop. I grew up listening to it." I say.

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