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"I feel like shit." I groan as I finally stop throwing up into the toilet.

"Same." Sabrina says as she's hunched over the bathtub.

"What did we eat?" I ask.

"That chicken, I think." She says.

"I literally told you we shouldn't have gone to that dining hall."

"I know, I should have listened to you."

"I think I'm done for the day." I say, changing the subject.

"What do you want to do?" Sabrina asks.

"Nothing. Literally nothing."

"That sounds good right now."

I trudge out to the living room and plop down on the couch. Sabrina comes a couple minutes later and sits next to me.

"I wouldn't want food poisoning with anyone else." I say.


I lean my head onto her shoulder and close my eyes.

"At least we get a day to ourselves before you go to California." I say.

"Why did they have to schedule the UCLA game on Valentines Day?"

"Let's still try to make it the best day, okay?"


"Seperation anxiety already?" My roommate for this trip, Kerissa asks.

"Shut up. I'm just worried about her. We haven't been away from each other for more then a week since Kobe passed away." I tell her.

"If you're worried, just send her a text or ask to FaceTime."

"Okay, thanks K."

Mollie: Hey, I miss you. I wish you could be here.

Sabrina🥰😍: I miss you too:(

Mollie: My roommate is making fun of me because she thinks we have seperation anxiety

Sabrina🥰😍: I think she's right, because Ruthy was making fun of me for that exact reason😅

Mollie: Can I FaceTime you? Texting sucks.

Sabrina🥰😍: Of course.

I click the little video camera at the top right of my screen and wait for Sab to pick up.

She picks up within the first ring. I see her beautiful face appear on the screen. I try to fight a big smile but I fail.

"Hi." She says.


"I don't know if I told you already, but I miss you so much."

"I don't think you've told me that." I tease with a small smile.

"You're adorable."

I laid down and rested my phone on the opposite pillow.

She continued telling me a story about something that happened on the flight down as I started to doze off.

"Awwww. Sleep well, love." I hear Sabrina say before I fall asleep.


"LETS FUCKING GO!" I yell when I cross the finish line.

I broke the record.

"With a time of 25.52 seconds, Mollie Moreno wins her heat for the 200 meter dash." The guy announces over the loud speaker.

I beat the record by one second. Holy shit.


I trudge into my hotel room. I set down my backpack and take a deep breath.

I see a vase of red roses sitting on the small table.

I go over and see a note attached, and a box of chocalates by the vase.

Hey Mollie,

I'm sorry we can't be together for our first Valentines Day together. I wish scheduling was on our side but it's apart of our lives as athletes.

I know you're probably seeing this after your meet and I hope you broke the record (I know you did:). Just know I was watching and I was cheering for you and I'm proud of you no matter what happened.

I can't believe I get to call you mine. You walked (ran) into my life and turned my world upside down. I knew from the moment I met you that you were going to be a special person to me. I was right. You're the only person who knows me on the level that you do. You take my ups and downs and make them yours. You make me laugh, even on my worst days. I am so in love with you and I don't want it any other way.

I can't wait to see you in a few weeks and try to cook for you:)


I wipe a tear away.

"Phew." I grab my phone and send a quick text to Sabrina.

Mollie: Hey Sab, I got the flowers and the note. I just wanted to say that I think I'm in love with you to.

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