999 37 3

July 2020

"GO SAB! COME ON!" I yell at the TV as she takes the ball down court.

She mis-steps on left ankle and it twists out, nearly touching the ground.

"Oh no. Please get up. Come on Sab." I whisper.

Her teammates have to help her off the floor. She's out.


My phone rings and I jump up to answer it.

"Hey babe." I say.

"Hey baby." Sab says sadly.

"Are you in your room?"


"Let's switch to FaceTime." I suggest.

"Okay." I click the button and I see her tear stained face.


"Its a grade 3 sprain, so it's a near or complete rupture of the ligament. They don't think I'll need surgery though."

"Hey, at least you don't need surgery. That's good, right?" I ask.

"I guess."

"You can't be looking at anything negatively right now. Take that as a positive and let it motivate you."

"What would I do without you?" She asks.

"You're life would definitely be a lot less interesting."

"You just add some spice." She says with a smile.

"Some spice, huh?" I ask with a small smirk.

"Lot's of spice." Sab says with an even bigger smirk.

"All I heard when you said that was 'why is it spicy?' and thats continously repeating in my head now."

"You've been watching way too much TikTok babe."

"Well I don't have you to distract me." I pout.

"I know. I miss you so much."

"SAB! COACH WANTS TO TALK TO YOU!" I hear someone yell in the background.

"BE THERE IN A BIT!" She yells back. "Well, it seems I have to go. I love you and I'll talk to you later."

"I love you too." I mumble out.

I end the call and put down my phone. A tear slips out and I go and grab one of Sab's old basketball sweatshirts. I bring it up to my nose and inhale the scent of her perfume.

I hear my phone buzz and snap out of my daze.

I pick it up and see a single sentence text from Sab.

Sab😍🥰: I have to go back to New York.

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