It was Enchanted to meet you. (8)

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Chapter 8 - Plan in session


"Finally!" I yelled. It's been about an hour and half and we're finally finished getting dressed. I was wearing black short shorts with a purple cami shirt, black pumps. With a black chocker and huge purple bow in my hair to top it off. I looked hot! According to Vanessa. She was wearing a red mini skirt with black shirt and black pumps. Yup, dressed like a slut. Unlike her, my boobs weren't about to pop out of my shirt. Dj, didn't like what we were wearing. She had rainbow spandex , green tutu, purple corset , and pink fairy wings. Yea, believe it or not , that's what she was wearing.

"Let's hurry already. We're an hour late." Dj hollered from the living room.

Plan revenge in session.


Half a bottle of vodka and a couple shots later I was grinding against the school badass, Nate.

I spotted Damien a few feet away fuming. Yea, all is going well.

I turned around so I was facing Nate. I place my left leg between his legs and wrapped my arms around his neck closing the gap between us. God he was sexy.

"Wanna have fun?" He asked with his green eye burning my lips.

"Why not?" I said smiling. With that his lips crashed onto mine. His grip on my waist became tighter. He bit my lower lip making my lip part. That's when his tongue explored my mine. The kiss became more hotter when he slowly started to reach up my shirt. I broke the kiss and gave him a smile.

"Let's head up stairs."He smirked.

"Sure, let me get something though." I said. I took his hand and led him off the dance floor where Damien was. He was sitting on the arm on the couch were Vanessa was making out with some guy. I gave Damien a smile and tapped on Vanessa shoulder still having Nate's hands

"Hey, can I get a condom?" I asked loud enough so Damien could hear. I could feel his stare burn a hole in my back. Vanessa broke the kiss and reached into her purse and pulled out a condom. Leave it up to Vanessa to bring them. I took it and smiled at Damien before dragging Nate upstairs to the guest bedroom.

Damien POV

What is she doing?! With Nate, he's no good for her. She should be with me not him! That jackass! What wrong with me? Why didn't I tell her I love her. I'm so stupid. I need to get this off my mind. I need to get her off my mind.

I took the last few gulps left of my beer and started to dance my way to the dancefloor. There I spotted a hot brunette with a green tutu and pink wings. She looked drunk enough.

I danced my way threw the sweating crowd of teenager grinding and placed my hands on the girl waist. She look startled by me but when she saw me a smile drew on her face. I leaned close so our nose touched.

"Hey sexy, wanna have some fun?" I asked over the loud music.

"Shure, wbhy nut?" She slurred, making no sence.

Oh yea she was drunk enough.


"Damien! Damien! Wake - oh god!" A high pitched voice called. What the hell?! Ugh, stupid hang over.

"Damien wake up!" The voice said once again. I groan and sat up from the bed. I scratched my head and looked at the person.

"Damien what did we do last night?" The girl asked. She held the bed sheets around her chest. Why does she seem so familiar?

"We hooked up. What does it look like?" I yawned.

"With your cousin best friend! Oh god what am I going to tell her?" What's-her-face got up from the bed grabbing the bed sheets, leaving me naked on the bed.

"Jeez, don't worry! I'll tell her." I said while searching around the room for my boxers. She sighed in relief and sat back down on the bed.

A few minute later I was dressed and ready to head out the door when whats-her-face pulled me into a kiss. I broke the kissed and headed out the before saying," Bye babe, I call you later" Not.


I walked out the elevator of my building when Nate got on. I glared him. God I hate him.

I walked into Lexy's kitchen where she was in my batman boxers and pink tank top , cooking breakfast.

She had two plates on the counter.

"Good morning. Want breakfast?" She asked extra happy. God why does she have to do this to me ?

Alexandria POV

God, my body hurts like hell. Mostly my lower area. Maybe losing my virginity wasn't a good idea. Dam, my legs are sore. But I can't let Damien see me like this.

I placed 2 pancakes on each plate and poured orange juice in both cups. I sat down at the counter and looked over at Damien. He was just there staring at me with sadness in his eyes.

Great just the reaction I wanted !


Here you go. The first commenter from the last chapter said to upload soon so I did (:

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It was Enchanted to meet you: Book 01  [Student/Teacher relationship & Incent]Where stories live. Discover now