It was Enchanted to meet you. (10)

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Chapter 10 - Blue Ford truck 


Alexandria POV

Oh my god!? Did I tell him I love him? What's wrong with me? I can't love him. He's my teacher and I'm his student. Oh God! But I can't sop kissing him. It seems wrong but it feels so right. 

"Adrien?"I broke the kissed and look down. I can't believe I just kissed him. I can't believe I did it with my TEACHER! What if he doesn't like me back. What if he's married. OH GOD! 

I didn't notice I was crying until he wiped a tear away with his thumb. What's wrong with me? I don't blame him if he doesn't like me back. I'm a totally wreck.

"Don't put yourself wrong. I love you." He whispered into my ear. All the blood rushed to my face. I was blushing. He has the affect on me. 

"Do you really? Or you just saying that to make me feel better?" I asked a little bit angry. I sat up and pulled the blanket over my bare chest. I forgot how cold it is. I turned my face to look at the sun rising. Time passed away fast. Too fast.

"I do." He sat up and rubbed my back. Why does he have to make me feel loved. I didn't want this feeling. It confusing but true. Not when Damien leaving me in a few days. And maybe never coming back. 

"I think you should go." I said without looking back. 

"You sure?" 

"Yes. Just. GO." My voice kept getting higher with each word. I didn't want to do this but I had to. If I keep looking at him, I'll never stop loving him. And I have too. This isn't right. I'm 17 and he's 23. It doesn't match up. 

I felt his hand stop rubbing my hand. He got up and slipped on his boxers. A few minutes later he was already dress and put a hand on my shoulder. He moved my face so I was now facing him. He leaned down kiss my cheek.

"i love you." Before he left he rubbed my cheek.

"I love you too." I whispered hoping he heard. But, I knew deep down he didn't. 


"Alexandria McJagger?" My history teacher, Ms. Wilder called.

"Here." I said while looking out the window. It's been 4 four days since me and Adrien has sex. And 4 days since I last talked to Damien. I've been ignore them both. I've been ignoring everyone. I just want to be alone. 

I laid my head down on my desk and closed my eyes. That's the best thing to do now. Sleep. That's what I've been doing. My grades been dropping my some-what social life also dropped. Dj and Vanessa haven't been talking to me. Dj, been acting weird. She's been jumpy every time I get near her.  I don't know, And I don't care. 


The bell rag signaling school over. Great. Time to go home and sleep some more. 

"Ms.McJagger? Please come over." Ms.Wilder demanded. I got up avoiding eye contact. 

"Yes?" I whispered.

"You've been acting strange lately. What's going on at home?" He asked concerd.

"Sorry, I've been stress 'cause of exams and such. Don't worry, i'll do better." I said before running out of class. God, it's been like the 30th fricking time the teachers keep asking me.


"Lexy!" Someone called after me. I searched around the parking lot and there's no one in sight. I stayed at the library for a few hours so I could avoid everyone.

"Lexy!" The voice called out again. Someone hans touched my shoulder. 

"Lexy, you need a ride? I've been looking for you all week but couldn't find you. What's going on?" Nate gasped.

"Oh, sorry. I w-was reading-g at the l-library." I stuttered while shrugging his hand off. 

"Well, come on. I need to take you someone where." With that, he took a hold of my arm and dragged me toward his black silky BMW.


"Wake up Lexy. We're here." Nate hands unbuckled my seat belt and now was shaking my hand.

"W-w-what? W-where?" I asked a little tired. I must've fallen asleep. 

"At the lake, Damien wants to talk to you." He smirked and stepped out the car leaving the keys inside. 

I looked out the window and it was dark. The lake was in the middle of rows and rows of trees. That's all. I opened the door and walked towards where Nate was tapping his feet and crossing his arms. What's up with him. And what's up with me. Why didn't I protest? Why in the hell did I go along with this? What's wrong with me?

"Go threw there and he's truck should do be there." Nate pointed towards some trees. Me being a dumbass I walked towards the creepy trees without looking back. What if there's a creepy chainsaw guy coming after me. After a few minutes of panicking and walking threw the think woods I spotted his blue  Ford truck. And there was Damein leaning against the truck with a red rose in his hands. He still hasn't seen me cause he was whispering something to himself. 

I walked closer and stepped on a branch. Damein head snapped up and landed on me. 

Now, the only question going threw my head is ... what's he going to do with me in the middle of no where?


Like it!? Sorry for the cliff hanger. I had to stop it there!! 

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I love you guys <3


-Cobra 'sssssss'

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