It was Enchanted to meet you. (9)

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Chapter 9 - The Surprise Visit


Mr. Storm POV

"No ma, I can't!" I yelled into the innocent phone. My mother won't stop bugging me about my little brother. She's want me to go find him. He went to some strange party last night and didn't come back. You know how teenager get. They drink, leave, and come back couple days later. I used to to do it all the time.

But, being the good guy I am, I had to tell my mother that he left. It wouldn't be right. Even though he does lives with me and it's none of her concern.

"Adrien Marcus Storm the third, you find you brother right this minute. Don't make me come over!" She yelled back. Dammit, she know's I don't like poeple calling my whole name. It sounds lame!

"Mother, your across the country!" That's the last thing I said before haning up the phone. What is with this women? I moved out her house a few months ago and now she's keeps on nagging me.

Minutes later I hear the door bell ring. Who could that be? 

I walk over to the hallway mirror and inspect myself. I only had sweat pants and no shirt on. So it was fine.

"Mr. Storm please open up!" A oddly familiar voice called out from behind the front door. I opened  the door to see ... Damein?  What's he doing at my house early in the morning.

"Damien wh--"

"Mr. Storm please help! I can't find Alexandria no where. She ran out the house! Please!" He cried. I never seen a guy this vulnable ever. He was crying for Alexandria. Why?


"Alexandria ! Alexandria! " I called out. It's been hours and I still havent found her. Where is she?

I searched every floor in her building possible. Damein searching outside of the building.

I pressed the elavator button and stepped in. The only floor left his her's. And if she's not there, I don't know what I'll do.

Alexandria POV

I can't. I can't. I can't deal with this. Why is this happening to me? Those are the past question going threw my head for hours. I couldn't face him. I just can't. What's wrong with him? No better yet, what's wrong with me? Why did I do that to him? I hurt me and him.

I'm not crying no more. There's no more tears left. I'm just sitting down near the edge of my building looking at the night sky. My knees close to my chin. No, I'm not going to kill myself. I'm not stupid.

This is were I go to clear my head. No one comes up hear. Only I do. I have a blanket and a pillow from the last time I came here. And that was years ago. When I found out my Uncle died of lung cancer.

Why did i go along with my stupid plan? It was going so well ... until that feeling came along.

"Alex .... " A voice far in a distanced yelled. I looked over my shoulder and there was Mr.Storm. Standing with bloodshot eyes. Was he crying? Why? And What's he doing here? Was he looking for me? Where's Damien.

" Alexandria please don't do this." He gasped. My eye became blurring. Oh, gosh, please don't cry. Please don't.

I got up and ran towards Mr. Storm. Buried my face into his chest and cried. He just held me tight. Without letting go. Good, cause I couldn't stand if he left too.

"Sh.. Sh. Everything going to be okay." He kept whispering. No! Everything's not going to be alright. Why is he saying that! He doesn't know what going on.

"No ... it's .. n-not." I manged to say threw the water fall of tears.

"Tell me what happen." He said before placing me down on the blanket. I've been crying so much I didn't notice he was carring to the blanket. He laied down next to me and hugged my waist. He didn't let go. I moved closer to his chest leaving no spacing between us.

"Damien ... he's leaving me." I cried.

"Why?" He asked stroking my hair. I felt save in his arms.

"I don't know, he just said he was leaving because he can't stand me." I cried some more. Why is this happening to me? The plan back fired. It wasn't supposed to happen like this.

Mr.Storm POV

God, I can't stand seeing like this. She's so small and fagile, I don't want to see her getting hurt. It wasn't right. I can't he not stand her? She's everything you could ever ask for. Smart, beautiful, and happy. She's everything , I ever wanted.

"He's leaving friday. He's going to my uncles Ben's house for the rest of school year." She gasped and held me tight. She was holding onto my shirt.

"Don't worry he'll back. Just give him time. Maybe school is just stressing himself out." God, what am I saying? I know that's not it. I know he loves her but can't tell her.

"Yea, maybe your right. I'm just acting like a drama queen." She laughed a little and loosen the grip on my shirt. I still head her tight.

"Mr. Storm?" She looked up at me with those eyes gleaming eye of hers.

"Adrien." I corrected.

"Adrien?" She moved closer to my face.

"Yes?" I asked.

"I.. love you." She leaned in and pressed her soft lips against mine.

This is the moment and I'm not letting it go.


HOLY JEEZ! That's the longest chapter I ever wrote. God, I was into it. :)

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Thanks for my very few fans. I love you guys!! Alot <3

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