It was Enchanted to meet you. (14) The end.

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Chapter 14 - The letter that change my life. And the dirt road ahead of me.


Alexandria POV

I stared at the girl in mirror for the first time. Of course, I looked in mirror before, but I mean really look. My red flaming hair stopped right above my waist and my hazel eye scanned my face. My plum pink lips appeared into a smile. Maybe, I am pretty. Adrien says I'm breath taking but I never really seen in.

If I'm breath taking then why did 'he' leave? Why did he leave me crying that morning. Regretting, why did i ever let him kiss me from the beginning. Why did I stare into those full grey eyes of his. Those rosy full full lips. I let him in my heart knowing that he'll won't hurt me. But, he proved me wrong. The last words he said to me haunts me. 'You just d--

"Honey! Are you readying?" Mom yelled snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Yes mother! Give 5 minutes, I need to put the last finishing touches." I replied peeking out the bathroom door. My mother was wearing a women suit. A black one, with her natural blonde hair into a nice pony tail. Her blue eyes stared at me.

"All right. But hurry up." She demand before stomping off waving her hands in the air. Oh, how did I get stuck with an insane mother but sane one all at the same time? God is confusing.

I wrapped my graduation gown around my strapless simple black cocktail dress and grabbed my cap and phone. As I put on my cap I walking into the kitchen where mom taking picture of Vanessa dress. Her non-slutty dress for once. She looked cute her blue sun dress.

"You ready?" Vanessa asked with a grin. I smiled and nodded.

Ready as I ever be.

Damien POV

"Kathy! Did you pack my skateboard!" I yelled out to my bestfriend. She's the one that kept me sane for he past months. I think without her I'll be a dead hobo beside the highway.

"Of course! Maybe if you hurry up and stop fixing your hair, you could of seen in the truck!" She replied in a high pitch yell. God, that reminds me of 'her'.

I walked out of the small bathroom and into the living room where uncle Ben sipping a beer and watching he sports channel. I walked over and placed my hands on his shoulder.

"Ya leaving already?" He asked with sadden in his eyes. For the past months I was like a son to him. He never had kids and he like having me around. Someone who could sip beers and watching he football game every Sunday night. Who could take to the bar and hang out with guys for a while. Male bonding, that's what I'm going to miss with him. Hes a father I never had. My dick of father never came home. He always stayed 'late' to do last minute work. I think everyone expect my mother her was screwing the intern, Trina. That's how a match accidentally burned down the building. Sick bastard.

"Yeah, big trip ahead of us." I sadly smiled and gave him a bear hug. I'm so going to miss him.

"All right, here." He shoved a hundred dollar bill into my hand and gave me another hug.

"Thanks Ben. I'll come back over the winter break." I said and walked out of the wooden old house. Before, I closed the door I saw a tear stream down his face. No, please don't cry. It'll just be harder as it already is. Dammit.

Kathy must've seen the tears in my eye cause she gave me a hug from her car seat. I sniffed and hugged back.

"Come, we got lots of road to cover!" She announced trying to lighten the mood. I smiled.

With a click of seat belt we headed out the dirt road and onto the main road. To the Brookesburg college, across the country.

Alexandria POV

"Mom?" I called out. Mom, Evan, Vanessa and I are crossing the school football field where the senior class seat are.

"Yes honey?" She replied.

"Did you get the mail before we left?" I asked a little bit worried. I only applied to one college and if I don't get accepted I have to work at my mom law ferm. And that's BORING!

A frown crossed my mom face. She digged into her purse and took out a think orange packed. Wait, do rejection letter come that big? Do they? Wait-- Evan letter came in the package when he got accepted to the town college.

"AHHHHH!" I screamed out loud getting a few looks from family near by. My mom tricked me!

"Congrats honey!" She smile and gave me a warm motherly hug. Vanessa came from behind me and hugged me. Eva joined the group hug.

Someone broke the teary scene by clearing their throat. I broke away and stared at Adrien threw my blurring eyes.

"Hello Ms. McJagger. Is finally a pleasure to meet you." Adrien extend his hand to shake my mothers hands.

"Well, the pleasures all mine. Your Alexandria Math teacher. Am I correct?" Mom gave him a warm smile.

"Yes correct. So, what college did you get in Alexandria?" Adrien asked all ready knowing what school I got in. The only reason I applied was him. He's going to be the head of the Math department and they have a great program for future English teacher. Which what I want to be.

"Well if you really want to know I'm going to-"

"May all the graduating seniors please take their seats now" Mr. Kaplan, the school principle, cut me off.

"Well I must be get going. I have hand out the diplomas." He nodded and walked away towards the stands before winking at me.

One more hour until we officially become adults. And one more hour until I'm in Adrien arms for the very first time, in front of everyone.


"Congratulations to class of 2010" Mr. Kaplan congratulated the seniors over the bull horn. With that Vanessa, me and the rest of the seniors threw our hats up in the air. Vanessa shirked in excitement and leaned in and gave me a quick hug before speeding off to her parents. Who may I say, came fashionably late, in a jeep limo.

I felt warm strong arms snake there way around me waist and spin me on my heal.

"Congrats baby girl." Adrien whispered against my lips.

"Thanks." I whispered back to the man I love with my whole heart. I deepen the kiss. I didn't care if everyone sees. I'm a adult and no one can stop.

I remember a while back when I was a shy nerd with only 2 best friend, a brother who never talked to me, a cousin who I loved, and a mother who barely noticed me.

But, right at this very moment I all the change. I have a loving best friend( who's going to the same college as me ), a annoying loveable brother, a happy mother. And finally, Adrien, the man of my dreams.

Bye bye high school. And hello Brookesburge college.


OMG!!!!!!!! I finished my first story ever!!! And I mean first !!! OMG ! I was crying!! I can't believe I finished it!!

Give thanks to xKatelynKx!! If it wasn't for her, this story would have been dead just like every other story I make. I love her! Check out her one-shot stories! There so freaking awesome [;

As for the second book. Its coming soon. I was thinking posting it up during spring break. But that's too far and I don't the idea of the story to leave my head so when all my school mid terms finish up I'll post it! So by Jan 15 it'll be up. Until then message me and tell me some of your ideas for the next book. (:

Vote. Comment. Tell a friend <3


xKatelynKx :D love herrrrrrrrr !!!

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