Jungkook right-hand woman

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She had been beside him for years now. His most trusted woman in their whole gang. Her name was known by everyone as Jungkooks favorite.

As she walked into Jungkooks office she smiled.

'What are you up to?' She smirked at him while walking over to his desk he was sitting behind, lazily resting his chin on top of his knocks.

Pursing his lips he looked into her eyes. 'I'm frustrated~' As she raised her eyebrows her soft chuckle escaped her lips.

'Because?' She asked. The brunet looked up at her.

'Because, she is useless.' As he expressed his annoyance towards Y/n she sat down in front of his desk in one of the leather chairs.

'Then let's go out tonight- She is at your club every night.' She locked her dark brown orbs with his.

Earning a smirk from him he chuckled. 'You took the words right out of my mouth.' She chuckled pleased. 'That's why I'm your right hand, of course.'

'What are we doing?' She asks as her ears perked. 'I got orders from the leader to kill her.' He spoke leaning back. Her cold humming filled the room. 'Probably for the best. That girl is totally useless anyway.'

As the evening fell and the night becomes cold they arrived at the club.

Entering people paved the way as they knew: trouble followed the duo.

Walking up to the bar Jungkook orders two shots. One for him and one for her. Cheering they gulped it down swiftly.

'Now let's get to work.' Jungkook spoke in a low voice. His right-hand followed him behind with a smirk formed on her lips.

Following her boss to the VIP area they were let in without any questions. It was easy walking in when you were accompanying the owner of this whole club.

Hearing Jungkooks hands collide over the loud music, Y/n that was facing them looked up from her phone. Her acrylic nails stopped crashing onto the screen. Making her eyes widened as she saw the man and woman she feared most in front of her.

'Boss!' She bowed deeply showing her respects for the man she didn't dare to look in the eyes.

Jungkook and his right-hand exchanged a look. As he nudged his head toward the girl that was there for known to be his "girlfriend" they smirked wide. She knew what she needed to do.

Grabbing her throat aggressively she pulled the girl up. Making her stand on the tips of her heels.

'You messed up big time!' She gritted through her teeth at the girl with a devilish smirk.

Jungkook patiently held up his index and middle finger, signing her to take it outside.

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now