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As the evening neared the 7 of them prepared for their mission.

Getting into the car she checked her gun and loaded it soon after, keeping the safety off.

She was in the car with Jimin and Jin. Taehyung and Hoseok were going to infiltrate into the club to observe the surroundings.

The club opened at 9 pm. A shift switch between cop squads was at 10 pm so they went in at 9:50 pm. Buying them some extra time.

Yoongi and Namjoon tried to get through the back as she knew Jungkook kept his security low at the back entrance.

'Boss we are in.' They could hear Hoseoks voice over the radio. 'What do you see?' She asked him as SeokJin fixed the connection.

'There are a lot of people here already~ we won't be spotted I think.' She smirked while looking up at Jimin. 'Good, keep in contact. He has a back room that leads to another section. Search for it at the VIP areas.' As she signed Seokjin to switch over to Yoongis station he did as was asked from him.

'Any updates?' She asked the quit guy. 'Yeah...' Yoongis voice died out after his reply. 'We took about a guy tho. If you come now it would be safe.' Her chuckle filled the car as she listened to the information he gave them.

'Great job! Look out for us we will be on our way.'

The three of them stepped out of the car. All dressed up, she even had her full glam on so she wouldn't be recognized as much.

Going to the back they looked around, spotting their allies soon after.

Walking up to them She handed them a knife. 'We can't shoot so use it for close range.' Nodding at her they put it away. Slowly peeking in through the door they went in after checking if the coast was clear.

Picking her walky-talky out of her thigh band she made contact with Hoseok.

'We are in... Where are you?' 'We are almost in, we found the door. Taehyung is handling it.' Waiting for a few seconds a door opened a few meters in front of them.

Teaming up she nodded signing them to follow.

'We will reach the next section where he keeps all of his stuff. Drugs, alcohol you name it. There is more security there so keep an eye out.' She whispered as she turned her head over her shoulder to enlighten them.

Sneaking in they split up.

Namjoon and Seokjin went to the front. Yoongi and Hoseok went to the left and Jimin, Taehyung and Michelle want to the right.

Trying to get closer before someone got caught they could hear men talking to each other. Getting to the next room their ways kept split.

'Where to?' Jimin asked as they come into a stairwell. 'Up.' She whispered looking at the two men beside her.

Starting to walk up the stairs Taehyung went upfront.

As they reached the next floor they could hear yelling behind them.

'SHOOT!' Looking back they knew: someone was spotted.

'We need to keep going we can't go back.' She said making them look panicked at first but serious as she pierced their gaze.

As she went up front they pass a door, heading for the last door at the end of the hallway. Hearing two doors open at the same time they looked back.

'Shit!' Taking out their guns they started shooting and headed for the door they needed.

Opening it Jimin passed her as she tried to cover for Taehyung but being too far behind he got shot in the chest and shoulder multiple times making his body fall to the floor.

'Tae!' Jimin yelled as he wanted to go back to help his friend but she closed the door before him. 'We can't help him anymore Jimin, he is gone.' She stopped him and looked into his eyes that filled with tears.

'We need to hurry.' Taking his arm they ran off.

'One door left and we are in his office!' She told him to keep him focused.

Busting open the door they found a laptop displaying live camera footage.

'Y-Yoongi...' Jimin watched the screen, seeing his comrade being cornered. Holding up his gun at the enemy as he carried a wounded Hoseok on his back. His body hanging lifeless.

As fire opened the laptop shot off.

She looked over at Jimin. 'It's a trap.' She said shocked. 'We need to get out!' Both running to the door with their guns held up to shoot they ran and ran.

'We need to get out through the loading hall!' She yelled over the gun fires.

Going down the flight of stairs Jimin busted open the door to the loading hall.

Coming to a halt as he looks up at the scene in front of them.

They were all dead.

She stopped next to Jimin still holding up her gun. 'What is this?' They all laid scattered around the hall, dead, lifeless. All 5 of them~

'He got us!' She spoke as men cornered them.

Shooting as many as they could she looked at her right-hand. 'Get out Jimin! You still got a second chance! You could go home... Escape it all.' She held her gun back up to open fire at the new men that came running in.

'GO!' She said to the man standing next to her. 'No! I will not leave you here.' Staring at each other they couldn't hold them back any longer.

Bother getting taking their guns were pulled away. They dragged her out pulling Jimin down onto his knees with his hands behind his back.

He faces down as a man stepped in front of him with a gun in his hands, lowering the barrel to his head.

As she was taken back by her arms they pulled her away, into the next room.

She tried to get out of their grip but it was no use... They were to stong.

'JIMIN!' She shouted as the door closed before her eyes and the loud bang was heard.

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now