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Jungkooks guards dragged her over the ground with her back facing the room.

Throwing her on to a chair she was tied up. 'Let me fucking go!' Protesting she tried to get out of their grip. Not succeeding she screamed in anger.

The men laughed at her as they walked out.

They left her there for a good hour to calm down.

'He killed all of them! Coward! He can't even face me himself or what?!' She spat out in anger.

As the door opened again two men come into the room and walked towards her.

One of the men chuckled as he lowered his head down to her eye level.

'Come on little lady, give us a smile.' He said chuckling as he looked over at his partner.

Gridding her teeth her eyes burned into the man as he looked back. 'No! I ain't got nothin' to smile about... I got no one to smile for!' She looked at the man up and down before continuing. 'I've waited a while for a moment to say, I don't owe you a goddamn thing!' Head budding the man that had lowered himself to her she buckles forward with her chair before leaning back.

Her hair falling in front of her face. Catching her breath she watched the man stumble back and grab his nose in pain.

'You fucking whore!' He cussed as blood ran down his nose.

'Let me take a look.' The other one said yanking the man's hands away to reveal: a broken nose.

'Ho gosh~' The man said under his breath as he observed the broken nose.

A devilish smirk grew on her face as she watched the two men struggle in front of her.

'We'll get to her later you need to get this fixed first.' The man said to his partner.

'FINE-' He gridded as he turned back to the woman.

'But you-' He said swinging his fist at her face. '-I'll get you later! If the boss isn't faster then me.' He spat the blood in his mouth at her as her faces cocked to the side from the hit.

Fifteen minutes passed.

Her head was hanging low as she waited for the next person to come in.

Looking up again she looked around the room. A big empty room with only a few chairs in it, and a big black window she couldn't see the other side through.

But as the door opened again she averted her eyes to the sound in front of her.


Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now