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A week passed and their leader had spoken to them.

Jungkook needed to prove himself! Their leader didn't like hearing she needed to clean up his work at Jungkooks own club.

'Get it right next time or you will follow the consequences!' Their leader spat at Jungkook.

Both bowing they got seen outside of the office.

As she turned to Jungkook she looked pissed off. 'What the fuck is up Jungkook?' She asked as they walked down the ally.

'Shut up!' He said. Making her eyebrows raise she pushed his shoulder.

'What the fuck do you mean? I'm you right-hand you need to tell me everything.' Speaking up Jungkook clenched his teeth.

'Oh yeah?' His head cocked up.

Pulling his gun at her she threw her hands up unsurprised.

'Pull it! Pull it now!' She yelled at him furiously.

'I've got you all under my thumb with my plan.' He smirked at her. "He turned his back on us!" She thought.

As he wanted to pull the trigger she smirked technically. The click was heard but now bullet came out. 'I removed the bullets already. You think I am stupid?'

As their fellow gang members ran to the sound of the argument she dropped her hands to her side.

Jungkook pulled down his gun. Hissing he threw the gun far away into the ally. He could hear her furious scream as he turned back to face his former right-hand.

It was over.

Their fellow member's circled them.
'Drop dead Jungkook.' They looked each other dead in the eyes.

'By the way.' She started. 'You are uninvited.' She looked at the other members. 'He is turning his back on our family! Get him!'

Running from his former members he glanced back as he leaped around the corner.

Shacking them off he pressed his back against the wall. Panting he took a second to collect himself before he took his phone out of his pocket.

Dailing a number he called the person he cares for most, Y/n.

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now