Friends don't look at friends that way~

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'Jungkook?' She looked at the well build man that walked in towards her.

Tugging op his black t-shirt as the fabric was irritating his neck his steps echoed through the room.

'Michelle~' He spoke her name without looking at her.

Before he fixed his eyes on to her he cleared his throat. 'It's nice seeing you again... Sad it needed to be in these circumstances.' Putting his hands in his pockets he stopped two meters in front of her.

'Yeah fancy seeing you again.' She spoke looking up at him. Her body language seems to dim down as he sighed.

'You know-' He started. 'I didn't want to kill your now "friends" but... I don't appreciate you taking out my men. We could have talked.' Staring at her he tilted his head to the side.

'DON'T LIE TO ME JUNGKOOK! We couldn't have talked because we both know- You just used our family to build up your own empire!' She yanked her shoulder forward in anger as she spoke up to him, the man that set the fuel inside of her on fire. The fire that could only be lit by him.

Jungkooks stern stare softened into an empathic gaze. 'You really think I didn't care about everything you have done for me.' He took a step closer.

Dropping her head she chuckled. 'STOP PLAYING!' She snapped her head back up. 'YOU KILLED my allies! And now I'm next so what are you waiting for Jungkook? Go back to that bitch Y/n, she will treat you like the "king" you are...' Hitting her back into the chair she tried to get the robs to loosen but they were to tight.

'LEAVE HER OUT OF THIS!' He yelled pulling out his gun, pointing it at her. His anger build up as her face softens.

'We knew you were coming and you walked right into my trap.' He gritted.

'If you had killed her it wouldn't have been like this...' She mumbles out as their eye contact formed a spark between the two of them.

Jungkook sucked in his lips, knowing it was true in a scene.

'You don't love her... You love me.'

'You're insane.' Jungkook chuckled as he looked at the woman in front of him that tried to get loos again.

'Don't- DON'T SAY THAT!' She yelled at him in hurt. Her hair falling back in front of her face.

'Shoot me then-' She said tilting her head up at him. She left Jungkook speechless.

Inhaling she looked at him with tender eyes. 'But friends don't look at friends that way-'

A shot rang out as she finished her sentence making her lean forward as far as she could. Pain filling her stomach where the bullet hat punctured her body.

As she softly gasped for air her body turned limp, hanging back into the chair as her last breath escape her lips.

Jungkook lowered his gun making the tears that were on the brim of her eyes harder to hold back. 'You were never my friend... We were more then friends.' Turning back he dropped the gun beside him and walked away.

Leaving her behind, never looking back.

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now