JKs club

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Jungkook slipped away from her fingertips and not a week later she finds out Y/n is still alive.

The leader ordered her to take out the girl first before going after Jungkook. She was loved by the leader of the mafia organization giving her a lot of opportunities.

Heading back to Jk's club a week later she had her eyes locked onto Y/n from the top floor down. Taking out her gun she was ready to take the shot. Before she could finish the job a man approached her.

All she thought about was taking Y/n down to let Jungkook come to his senses. He didn't need that girl. He needed her!

'Oh are you gonna shoot?' He joked as he seemed off of this world. Rolling her eyes she looked over the barrel of the gun again.

'Seriously though, jokes aside, how you doin'? You straight?' The man asked her making her drop her gun down to the side. Facing the man she rolled her he's to the side.

The man had plump lips that made her glance over for a second before she said, 'No, I'm bi.' She paused and observed the man. 'Are you drunk?' She asked. 'No, I'm high.' He giggles annoying her as she locked her eyes back onto Y/n.

'I'm checkin' out the chick.' He looked over at Y/n. Making her say; 'So am I.'

Walking away from the rail she got up to the bar and ordered a shot. Hitting it back immediately. Frustrated she couldn't find F/n in the crowd anymore.

'Are you in some sort of mafia of any kind?' The guy came back. Tilting her head over to him she looked at him up and down.

'Why do you wanna know?' Her eyes pierced him. 'Maybe I'm able to help.' Showing his gun from his belt holster she slightly smirked.

Standing up she gave him a card. 'Contact me.'

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now