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'I want him dead! He thinks he can escape this family? NO ONE DOES! Find that Jeon Jungkook! Do whatever you need to. Find some men that will help you execute this mission but make sure Jungkook ends up dead.' As her leader ordered her the women let her chin peer up with a smirk on her lips.

'Yes boss!' Bowing deeply she left his office.

Going to the training center she walked in telling the big news but nobody dared to go up against Jungkook.

Walking out frustrated her phone went off.

'Hello, who's this?' She asked annoyed.

She heard a chuckle through the phone. 'It's the guy from the club a few days ago.' As she folded her arms over her chest while holding her phone she huffed.

'Yeah~ what so you want?' She asked in a commanding way.

'I want to help-' 'and?' She interrupted him impatiently. Making the man chuckle over the phone again. 'I'll do whatever it us you need to get done.' As he answered her smile grew on her lips.

'I told some friends about our encounter. I hope you don't mind? They wanna tag in as well if that's possible?' Licking her lips she knew she no longer had to look for a group of recruits to go up against Jungkook with.

'That's great news!' She smirked. 'Be at the address I will send you in text tonight. Don't be late!' Hanging up the phone she confidently walked to her car and got in.

When the evening fell she met up with the stranger that offer to help her.

Driving towards the warehouse she told him to meet up at, she saw there were 6 of them.

The evil smile on her lips told she was up to no good.

Parking her too expensive car she got out and smirked at the young men in front of her.

'Well well, good evening gentlemen.' Walking up to them she observed them.

They all seemed nervous except the one that contacted her. He had this smile on his face that screams confidence.

'Good evening.' He greeted back making the other gather around him. He seemed to be their little leader almost.

'So, you want to help me?' She spoke direct at him. Locking her daring eyes with his. 'Yes indeed. So what's your offer?' They all switched from nervous to we'll do anything in a matter of a second.

'I need to take out one of my old collages you could say he was. He turned his back on his family and that's not acceptable.' As her chin rises up to the sky to look down at the men their "leader" chuckled.

'Okay, you want us to handle this and wipe him out of the way?' His cocky voice made her chuckle, no even laugh.

Dropping her chin she looked at all of them with a smirk. 'You think you can take out Jeon Jungkook on your own?' Making her laugh their faces turned serious.

'He is more dangerous than all of you combined ever will be. So shut up and listen.' The man's posture changed, he folded his arms over his chest as he stood straighter. Not as casual as before.

'I need to recruit a group of people.' She looked at them. 'I count 6 of you. If you want to be paid greatly you can follow me and start your training to take Jeon Jungkook out in about a week from now. The choice is yours.'

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now