Are you ready?

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Walking into the warehouse she heard their footsteps follow her on the gravel.

A smile plastered on her face as she let them in. 'Take place guys. We'll introduce each other.' She signed them to sit down with her hand.

Taking place in the chairs at the side of the hall they looked over the training ring and shooting range. This place wasn't to mess around. It was to train.

All taking a seat she sat a the head of the group. A soft breath escapes her lips before she spoke.

'I'm Michelle. I'm the one you will get orders from the following week.' Nudging her head at the guy next to her he smiled. 'I guess you don't know my name yet. I'm Jimin, I got us here so thank me later.' With a smile on his face she didn't seem impressed as she looked at the next one.

'Hi, I'm Hoseok. Probably the one that keeps us all together so.' He said cheerful making her look around the group of guys that shook their heads "yes" to confirm his statement.

'I'm Taehyung.' The next one spoke catching her attention as his voice was deeper than she expected. With a box smile he nodded at her. He had a big presence and the men spread widely.

'Yo I'm Yoongi-' He lifted up his finger to greet her as he was interrupted by the over-enthusiastic one called Hoseok. 'Silent but deadly.' Raising an eyebrow she looked back at Yoongi. 'It that true?'
He slowly nodded making her hum impressed.

'What about you two?' She nudged her head at the two of them that were last. Pulling her hair back as the next one spoke up.

'Nice to meet you, I'm Seokjin. The oldest one of us so they listen to me.' Making the others chuckle he yelled at them as they all knew he was lying. 'YAH! Stob it.' Making her almost roll her eyes she pointed to the last one of the bunch.

'Hey, I am Namjoon.' He smiles kindly making her give a small one back. 'Any specialty to impress me or just Namjoon?' She asked as she gazed at him. 'Probably the smartest out of the 6 of us.' Making her smirk she nodded. 'The brains, I see.' Making him smile again he nodded.

After their little talk she didn't waste time. She pushed their limits right from to start making them practice shooting and fighting leaving them all bruised up as they couldn't get a hit in on her.

"All this practice with Jungkook showed off at last." She thought to herself as she pinned Taehyung to the ground, squeezing his head in between her knees. As the young man tapped out she let go.

'You all need to learn a lot!' She yelled making them all focus at her. 'If you don't improve in the next three days you are dead for sure! Jungkook is NOT an easy target!' Making them all work harder she helped them grow.

Two days passed and their fighting improved.

'Great job Jimin I can really see you have improved your swings keep it up!' She praised the man with plump lips making him smile. 'Thank you I tried really hard! Taehyung and Hoseok helped me with it.'

Three days passed and a plan was made against Jungkook.

'Okay so we will need to do it around the evening! Just before his club will open. He usually shows up at 7pm.' She spoke. Namjoon wrote everything down before he looked up at her. 'If he is there at 7 and clubs open at 9pm we should observe the situation for about an hour first.' Nodding at him she pinched her eyes together as she thought.

'Cops switch patrol at 10 so we will have a span of 30 minutes before they are back on track with everything. Do you think we can execute the plan in 30minutes?' Soekjin spoke making her hum. 'That's enough time! What about our escape plan tho?' She looked around the table.

'We split up.' Yoongi starts. 'We go in, try to keep it down... We take our shot at Jungkook- get out of there without as few as possible people seeing us, leap around the block and get in our cars.' Looking impressed over at the quite guy she gave him the point. 'That's good to start off on.' Pointing her pen at him he nodded.

'Let's use silenced guns for this mission.' Hoseok added as he leaned forward. As she sucked in her lips she leaned back. 'Yeah, Jungkook can't notice us entering that would be a shame. I hope that bitch Y/n is there too. It would be two flies in one hit.' Earning chuckles from her comrades she smirked.

'We'll make sure you will get to her if she is.' Taehyung shared an as evil smirk with the others as she did.

'I'll make sure Jungkooks all yours too.' Jimin smirked over at her as he knew how much it would mean to her. 'We are gonna kill them both!'

Five days passed and the guns were all cleaned.

On the sixes day they had one last training.

She walked in on their training. All shooting their rounds out until they were empty. Still not impressed with what she saw she brought in a new target.

A trader her leader assigned her to kill but she thought this was a good opportunity to put the 6 guys she recruited to the test.

'Guys. Get ready!' She held up her hand. Standing in between Yoongi and Taehyung she looked the victim right in the eyes as she balled her fist and yelled: shoot!

But no shots rang out.

Looking at each one of them she took her own gun. Loading it she scrunched her face and without hesitation she let the shots rang out, emptying the clip.

'Are you bitches ready?' She looked over her arms that were holding up the gun to the men that turned into her alleys.

'You'll need to be able to shoot at the enemy without fear or hesitation! So don't act like a bunch of cowards tomorrow tonight!'

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now