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The morning of their mission she gathered the 6 boys in the warehouse where they had trained so hard to get ready to defeat the one and only Jeon Jungkook.

'So how are we doing?' She asked as she looked over at all of them. 'Good.' Jimin hummed as he looked over at the others who nodded in agreement.

'Good.' She nodded. 'Tonight will be the big evening and we will succeed. Believe in yourself because we can't lose this fight.' She looked them dead in the eyes. 'I have decided on something.' Speaking up again their ears perked up.

'Jimin-' Her eyes darted over to the man with the pink plump lips. 'I've decided you will be my right-hand man. Without you, the 7 of us would not have found each other so I trust you to be my other half.' Jimin looked flattered at her as he slightly giggled. 'I would be honored to be your Right-hand.' They all smiled as they saw a smile appeared on the face of the strict woman in front of them.

The rest of the days they check out the club.

'There are a lot of people going in and out.' Jimin observed as he leaned back looking over at her. 'I know he has a lot of staff... they could be preparing for a big night.' She watched closely as a girl neared the entrance of the club.

Pinching her eyes together the figure became more familiar.

'That bitch!' She hissed out pissed off by her appearance.

Jimin looked at the girl that came closer to the entrance. 'Who is she?' He asked curiously still looking at the girl.

'Jungkooks "ex"-girlfriend, Y/n.' She gridded through her teeth.

Her gaze was burning into the girl. Jimin looked over at the woman next to him. Slightly raising his eyebrows at her reaction he looked back as the door from the club that opened.

A guy came out.

'Is that-' 'Jungkook.' She cut him off.

Looking at the pair they could see the girl smile as Jungkook greeted her by wrapping his arm around her middle and kissing the side of her head before guiding her inside.

'Well looks like they are more then just friends to be honest.' Jimin spoke looking over to her. Her face could be seen as terrifying. As he looked into her eyes she turned her head towards him, frowning deep.

'We have enough information. let's go back.' As ordered as done. Jimin started the car after he nodded and averted his concerned gaze to the road ahead of them.

Jungkooks right hand | J.JK mafia auWhere stories live. Discover now