Chapter Two.

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I straighten my glasses on my head as I sit in my seat as far away from the front as I could. I'd woke up with a headache, I'm not one hundred percent whether it was just a normal 'you've not wore your glasses in a while so i'm giving you a headache' headache, or 'the lack of sleep' headache. I couldn't help but think about the figure I had seen dancing. They were so lost in what they was doing, they didn't even care that they were dancing in the cold, at night, in the middle of the campus. Not that I was complaining, it was nice to see something different on campus. "Fancy seeing you here" I hear a voice call from behind me. I turn around and I felt like I couldn't mask the smile that was on my face. "Pel? You're taking English Lit?" I ask, "Yeah, something about books written decades ago makes me ponder things" He replies, trying out his best fake English accent. I roll my eyes. "These books are classics, if you don't cherish them maybe you shouldn't be in this class" i mumble. "I was just saying, everyone's entitled to their own opinion right?" He mutters. I look down at my lap, clearly confused as to why it felt like i bit his head off for having his own opinion, but i was very strong minded when it come to English, I loved these books. I grew up with these books.

"Who in here had re-read the required book of Pride an Prejudice?" Mr Moore calls out to the half empty classroom, clearly some people just didn't care about their education. I raise my hand as Pel slumps lower in his seat, he couldn't be bothered to turn up on his first day yesterday and now it looks like he hasn't even read the book he needs to for him to be able to pass the class, if he wanted to do dance why didn't he just take that as his class. "Ah, Mr Landon, care to tell us all what you thought about the book, you are our newcomer after all" Mr Moore calls him out, this will be good. "I think Elizabeth Bennet needs to take a chill pill" He calls back. Some of the class chuckle, my face hardens as I turn to look at him as he continues talking. "She didn't need to be so mean to Darcy, she was harsher than she needed to be" He mutters, scanning his eyes around the classroom, aware that everybody's eyes was on him, watching what he said, listening to the comments he was making. "So are you saying that you feel that Darcey was not in love with Elizabeth?" He has his hand on his face, looking intriguingly at Pel, "I believe that love is overrated, its a transaction, you turn it off you turn it on, its a light switch, quite poor actually" He states, his eyes a black, almost as if he is talking from experience. His eyes lock mine and its almost as if they change instantly, the golden brown colour coming back to them. "Actually Mr Moore I don't agree" I argue back, not taking my eyes off Pel. "I think that Elizabeth is a strong woman, way before the era of her time, I take my hat of to her for repulsing Darcey when he tried to pursue her, sometimes its hard to ignore a male in this day and age, they always get what they want" I mutter, turning away from Pel. I can still feel his eyes on me though. "It was Darcey's attitude that attracted her to him" Pel interrupts, causing a commotion in the classroom. "Darcey's attitude stinks, its repulsive and rude" I argue back. "Elizabeth wouldn't stop throwing herself at Darcey, no wonder he married her" Pel interjects back. "Darcey was lucky to have married a woman like Elizabeth, someone with her integrity. I do not agree with a woman of her eligibility that she would be throwing herself at him" I mutter. "You have to get your kicks and thrills somewhere" Pel muttered back. "I think it was all in Darcey's head that she had any feelings for him at all" I mutter back, stopping my words as Mr Moore claps his hands. "This is what a good book does to people, it gets inside their minds plays with their thoughts, makes them all question what they really know. It is clear that this book has got you both in different emotions, both in different views, I feel that you two would be perfect partners for the mid term essay, I would like to see what you guys come up with" Mr Moore suggests, pointing from me to Pel, as I open my mouth to speak and object the bell rings to signal that morning class is over, I roll my eyes, standing up and grabbing my bag. As I turn to speak to Mr Moore he has already left the classroom, so has Pel, I would have to save this argument for another time. "I think it was Darcey's attitude that attracts her to him" I mutter, walking out of the classroom and down the busy hall.

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