Chapter One.

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"What classes have you got today? Maybe we can grab lunch together later, I really don't want this term to be like last where we pass on night shifts" Stacey chuckled to herself whilst she sat applying her eyeliner. "Erm I have English Lit higher level first then a few hours break before Musical Theatre" I reply looking at my very organised side of the room. "Okay well I'm not in Biology till threeish, but i'm going to go and meet Sam before class, so catch up at what time?" Stacey asks standing up from her DIY make up table on top of her revision books. "Can do twelve?" I ask, pulling my hair into a lose bun. "Sounds great" Stacey replies before taking one last look at herself in the mirror. She was stunning, but more importantly she was my right arm. I didn't know what I would do without her, I wouldn't be at this college without her. I've always wanted to study musical theatre but my mum never agreed that it was a stable career which I did understand to some extent, but I did love books so English Literature was always an option to go down. "Right I am going, stay safe and I will see you later" She states, picking her bag up from the bottom of her bed. "Yeah, don't do anything I wouldn't" I reply laughing, wiggling my eyebrows. Stacey rolls her eyes but heads out the door laughing.  I look down at my first day back outfit which literally consisted of the baggiest jumper I owned and some leggings, anyone who had survived to the second term never dressed to impress, the most important thing was finding time to eat and sleep without even thinking of time for class as well.

As I head out of the dorm building and on the green which was a massive grassed area dividing up the buildings. I spot a group of people huddled round. I'm not usually someone who likes to be nosey, I am quite a keep to myself person but this intrigued me. It was too late in the year to be taking new people on, it would be too much for someone to catch up, and it wasn't really St Barnards style either. I pulled my phone out with my earphones and make my way around the quad, Justin Biebers 'Mark My Words' filling my ears. I was ready for this term, I knew the stakes and the level my work needed to be at, I wasn't going to let anything distract me, that included Stacey dragging me to fret parties and skipping morning lessons for a nice bagel at the place down the road. I was humming to myself when I feel someone walk face first into me, "Oh, shit, sorry" A male voices says as I pull my earphones out, ready to give the person causing my walking to stop a mouthful. I look up and I see big brown eyes looking down at me. I take a moment to study their features, and I would be lying if I said I didn't like what I saw in front of me. "Oh no, don't worry earphones and walking should be banned really" I chuckle to myself. "oh, I do it all the time" He said, pulling out his Bluetooth earphones showing me he was doing the exact same. "You don't look familiar?" I say, but it comes out more of a question. He looks at me confused. "Oh, not that I'm campus police and know everyone cause I really don't, I just, I think id remember you" I whisper the last part, and his face breaks into a massive grin proving that he had in fact heard my whisper. "Welllll, I'm going to go, bye" I say, quickly turning on my feet and walking away from the boy I had just walked into. My cheeks probably tinted red from the embarrassment of embarrassing myself in front of him. As I get to the steps of the north building I turn around and look to see if anyone would of potentially of seen the embarrassing moment and strange enough I see the male still stood in the same spot looking in my direction. I quickly look away and enter the building, running up the stairs to the class I was destined to be late to.


"So you just totally walked into a hottie and didn't even ask his name, have I actually taught you nothing?!" Stacey exclaims, taking a sip of her water. "Will you please keep it down I don't want the whole campus knowing what happened" I mutter, taking my head in my hands. "Well, did you see the group of people outside the dorms earlier, strange right?" Stacey says, tilting her head to the side. "Yeah, I did see them before the, well incident, and there was a new lad supposed to be in English today but he was a no show, not exactly St Barnards style is it" I reply, taking a sip of my orange juice. "Well, that's what I thought, its very rare to take new people on during terms" She mutters, checking her phone. "Well, I suppose we had better shake a leg and get moving, you know teachers don't like late students and all that" Stacey giggles to herself. "I'll see you later" I reply, standing up and walking towards the smaller buildings entrance. I honestly loved music, it was something I could spend hours and days doing without getting tired. I hum to myself as I walk down the crowded corridors, trying to not touch anybody by barging past them. I arrive to class a few minutes earlier than everyone else, which was nothing new, but what shocked me was seeing someone move across the stage, spinning around and then jumping into a back flip. The body runs across the stage dramatically, jumping onto a box and moving their hands around their head looking insane, they pump their hands off their chest before they dive forwards into a front flip and end in a back handspring. If it wasn't for my bag hitting the door frame they would probably still be running and jumping around on the stage, but turns out un-needed noises makes people stop what they are doing. "Shit" I mutter under my breath, and walking into the auditorium. "Er, sorry didn't mean to startle you" I say, walking down the steps to the walkway at the front of the room. "Its fine" He chuckles, so its a he. "How long have you been doing this?" I ask, moving my hands in circular motions for no apparent reason. "A while now I guess" He replies. I look up and see the same male from this morning. "Oh, are you taking musical theatre too?" I ask. "Erm, no, I just didn't fancy class this morning, first day and everything and walking into you, just made me nervous I guess" He replied chuckling. "Yeah, sorry again about that" I mutter, stepping onto the stage. "Takes two to walk into someone though, so I apologize again" He replies, giving me a small smile. "My names Tee by the way" I state, smiling at him. "Pel" He replies smiling. "Id better go before someone catches me not attending classes" He says. He picks up a bag from beside the box and gives a small wave. "Yeah.. bye" I say as I watch him walk away backstage, but not before he takes a small glance back, smiling that I'm still watching him walk away. "Oh god" I mutter, turning around and finding a seat before everyone else turns up.


"So you seen hottie again then?" Stacey asks, taking a seat at the end of my bed. "Yup" I reply popping thee 'p'. "Does hottie have a name or is he just going to be called hottie for the rest of the term?" she chuckles, wiggling her eyebrows in the process. "His names Pel.. I don't really know if its short for something or if he just has a modern name" I smile, thinking about how he turned to look back at me. "Tee, this isn't one of your romance novels, please put your tongue back in your mouth, you've known him five minutes if that" Stacey smirks. I roll my eyes and turn my eyesight back to the essay that Mr Edwards wants by the end of the week on Romeo and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet was always a personal favourite of mine, something about the forbidden romance just made me want my own personal Romeo, but then I often thought about how hard a forbidden romance would be in the modern day, social media blew everything up out of proportion making life and society a lot harder than it needed to be. "Right, I think i am pretty much done, so do you fancy one of them milkshakes from the shack and a night late night walk" I say to Stacey, shutting my laptop down and turning to face her. "Can do, I can fill you in on the latest with me and Sam" She replies, smiling with her eyes. I nod my head, grabbing a jacket and my phone before we head out into the night.

"So, you think his going to ask you to move in? do you not think that's like too early in your relationship? what if you move in and you realise how much you hate the smell of his socks?!" I chuckle to Stace. "No, I'm not sure, his on about moving forward but there's not much moving forward we could go for right now" She mumbles. "He loves you, you love him, I think you should just enjoy each day whilst you can, you never know when somethings going to change that" I reply, giving her a small smile. "You're right and i hate it when you're right" She mutters.

As we are waling through the green with our milkshakes I spot someone stood on the concrete blocks by the steps to the main building, I slow down my steps, Stacey walking miles behind me on her phone. I look towards the figure, I watch as he throws himself up in the air and lands the backflip perfectly. He then moves almost like a robot. It's hard to make the movements out from how far away I am stood but I am so captured by his moves that I find myself standing still in the moment. I watch as he runs across the blocks and jumps into a side flip, again landing it perfectly. I am fairly sure that i am stood with my mouth agape at this point. "Boys got moves" I heat Stacey whisper from beside me. "Mhmm" is all i can bare to say, i didn't want to take my eyes off the person in front of me. I watch as they are literally lost in whatever is playing through their headphones. "C'mon we had better get moving, plus were totally not stalkers" Stacey chuckles, pulling me through the green back towards our dorm. "Boys got moves" I mutter to myself.

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