Chapter 4

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I made eye contact with him for 10 seconds before someone screamed. I looked to see some weird tree monster thing that was trying to kill us I swear. I dodged hits and took some but I was fine. I stoped and thought about something instantly

"Hey Bakugo how much destruction you in the mood for!" I yelled to him as he blew a tree thing up. He looked at me and smirked

"Get on my back I'll fly you Destroy" he hopped  in my and we flew off we got there 45 minuets after.  We laid on the grass tired and he started laughing I soon followed.

"That was fun" I said

"Yea" he replied

"That's the first time I've seen you laugh let alone smile" he turned away and growled

"Same goes for you"

"Aww don't be like that"

"You guys got here faster than expected" the Burnett cat lady said. she helped me up then I helped Bakugo I looked into his eyes and started blushing then turned away.

"alright you can do whatever until the bus gets here with your stuff" she said

We got here before the teachers wow.  We started walking around to check the place out a little until the bus got here.


Mic is driving. we ran out to see the but has gotten here I looked at my dad and he wasn't to surprised to see me here already.

"You got here fast" he said

"Thanks to Bakugo" I said to him elbowing him in the rids he just 'tch' and walked away.

Go set up your stuff boys over there girls over there she pointed to a cabin and I got my stuff and organized my stuff I only brought one blanket because I had my wings now they kept me warmer. After wards I had nothing to do so I went to the boys cabin and knocked on the window by Bakugo.

"You are a creep you know that" he said

"No it's not like I was watching you" I said crawling in through the window

"What do you want?"

"I'm bored and I need entertainment or I will end up sleeping and not sleep at night then I will watch you" I said smirking

"Creep" he said rolling his eyes "what do you want to do then?"

"I don't know what do you want to do?" I started to hang upside down on his bed

"I don't Fucking know"

"cool i guess I'll just harass you then"

He smirked then looked at me "what about we play Chicken?" He had a devilish smile that I really wanted to smash my lips into But I held back

"If my dad finds out that you even touched me your dead" I said trying to save his ass even though I wanted to play desperately.

"You act like there would be an audience"

"Fine I'll play"

We sat across each other staring before he started. he pulled me on to his lap and grabbed my hips making my heart pound. he started to brush his lips over mine then down to my jaw line

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