Chapter 14

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The alley was dark, and at this point all I could do was pray that Uraraka ran to get help

"Boss are you sure she could tell everyone"

"I am clearly aware of that and this is why we stay in the shadows at least she can't track us or anything and by the time she says anything to and pros we will be long gone" the green jacket guy said

That worries me more we ended up going through the sewers and a making so many turns I lost track of where we were. We went through a door and everything was all bright and it kinda blinded me. He brought me to room that had two rooms dressers and two beds

"Get changed last thing we want is for you getting tracked"

"Aww but that would ruine the fun plus you have no idea how much of stalkers you are to have clothes my size"

"We aren't stalkers we just have a lot of clothes from the old girl that has passed on, she didn't help us much though, you on the other hand have Two quirks that will do just fine" I growled he closed the door and it locked.

I looked around for other clothes but they were all ripped and old. What the hell did they do to the old girl? I continued until I found a back crop top and blue short shorts I got dressed having my wings squeezed to my back. the same time the door opened and another guy came in

"Man have you heard of Knocking I could have been naked, but come to think about it all you stalkers would have liked at" I said pissing off the guy in a crow mask

He came and grabbed my clothes and left the room. Around an hour later he came back with a young girl with white hair and a horn. Her eyes were big and were red. She walked in and looked at me then the door closed fast and hard scaring the girl

"Hi there" I said friendly

"Hi, who are you?" she asked

"My name is Dex what's your name?"

"Eri"she walked closer to me
"Why are you here?he's going to hurt you"

"Who will?"

"Chisaki he will kill you" she said worried

"It's ok he's not going to hurt me, I let him take me to save my friend"

"You saved your friend?"


"Are you a hero?"

"Not yet but one day I will be" she nodded her head I looked at the bandages on her arms and legs "what happened?"

"they hurt me for my quirk"

"How old are you?"

"6 how old are you" I looked at her on the verge of tears but I couldn't show her I was scared she would be scared to

"I'm 15 have you been here ever since you were born?" She nodded I started getting angry at that. How can people hurt a 6 year old girl for her quirk that's just sick

" I can heal your cuts would you like me to?" She nodded and unwrapped the bandages on her arms revealing huge gashes in her arms and legs and some were still bleeding. A tear rolled down my face as I placed my hands on her arms and legs.

She stared at me as my eye stated to glow and my hair flew up. I fell onto a knee as my strength started to leave my body. My eye went back to normal and my hair went down then I fell back against the wall crushing my wings making me wince

"Are you ok?!"

"Yea just this damn shirt" I took off my shirt and spread my wings to stretch them. Eri looked at them as if they were the most beautiful thing she was seen "Wanna feel them?" I asked she nodded I brought down my wings so she could pet them

"Soft" she said i laughed a little

"Yea but they can be annoying I get feathers in my bed all the time" she gave me a small smile that was hardly visible.

The door opened and the green jacket guy came in

"Eri you're looking better, this is the fastest you've healed" he lip started quivering I started to hold her

"How can you do this she's just a little girl"

"She also has a very powerful quirk that I need to achieve my goals" I glared at him

"You're disgusting"

"Let go of the girl you said there would be no difficulties"

"I said that I would go with you with no difficulties I didn't say it would stay that way" he growled

"I won't touch her if you come instead"


"Chisaki no don't hurt her" Eri said. This is Chisaki

"Then you come"

I held her back and kneeled to her "it'll be fine I'm strong ok I'll come back and protect you" she started crying but nodded I got up and looked at him

"Could you put a shirt on" Chisaki asked

"Ummm if you didn't notice I have wings and none of them can work around them unless you cut holes in them" I said picking up the shirt I was wearing he grabbed it from me and a knife then cut two wholes in the back then handed it back to me "thank you, see it wasn't so hard to be nice was it?" He rolled his eyes and I put the shirt on and waved to the little girl we entered a room then was forced into a chair and strapped down

"So this may hurt a little" said a guy in a black cloak and wore a black crow mask

He pulled a knife out and started to cut through my skin ignoring my screams like it was nothing. Chunk after chunk he took my skin after I had to energy to scream anymore he wrapped my arms and legs then I was dragged to the room and thrown onto the ground

"Dex are you ok" I heard Eri say. I mustered up all my strength and sat up

"I'm fine I'll be ok" I said

"I'm sorry I should have gone"

"No you don't deserve it" I unwrapped my arms and legs on by one then rewrapping them tighter so that the bleeding would stop and I would heal faster by morning if I stop the bleeding I should he half way healed. I got up after and helped Eri to her bed and laid with her and sung let her go by passenger until she fell asleep. I then went to my bed and fell asleep faster then I wished.

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