Chapter 12

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"Bakugo get up school starts in 20 minutes" I sprung up not caring about who said it then grabbed a random shirt off the floor, it was huge so I'm sure it's Kat's, Kat got up and ran to his closet to get dressed and I just booked it out the door bumping into kaminari

"Sorry" i said getting up

"Damn that makes sense why you guys over slept" kami said looking at my neck

"Shut the fuck up" I ran to my room passing every girl in our class.

I got to my room and put some underwear on and a bra then got into my uniform I looked into the mirror and realized all the hickeys on my neck 'shit' I came out of my room then ran to Uraraka


"What do you need?" She looked at my neck "oh I got some concealer" we went to her room and gave it to me

"Thank you, you are my new god" I said she giggled then left for school I put the concealer on until I was satisfied then ran out the door

I got there just in time for the bell I ran into the class and got lectured my iida

"Alright we are doing more training today so get your costume and go to the same place as yesterday"

I went to get case and started walking to the change rooms

"So you had fun last night I'm just surprised you did it without anyone knowing and after what your father said" I looked to see Kami

"Oh shut up it was harder than it seems" I said going red after realizing what I said

"Was he any good"

"What the fuck Kami" he laughed

"I'm sure he didn't just leave hickeys and bits on you neck by the way" he walked to Mina.

I went rose red after realizing it 'fucking hell'. I got to the change rooms and put on my costume and looked into the mirror to see all of the marks that were made

"Well your in hell" momo said

"No shit"

"You need concealer?"

"Yes please" she went to her locker and got some I put it on my marks but I couldn't get the ones on my back

"Here let me help" she said. I smiled and gave him the sponge and lifted my wings to she could helped me when we were both satisfied we went out to the training room.

"Hey there Dex whats that on you thigh?" My thigh got squeezed and I turned around and threw the grape bitch into a rock and started electrocuting him

"FIRST OFF we are not on first name bases so don't call me Dex SECOND don't fucking touch me AND LASTLY its none. Of. Your god damn business" I stopped and let his body peal off the rock. I trained for the whole day when I got back to the dorms I had a shower and put on a turtle neck sweater and some black leggings I left the room.

"Hey Dex?"

"Yea dad"

"I'm out of coffee could you get some for me? I have work to do"

"Yea of course" He gave me $20 dollars and I went to put my shoes on

"Were you going there Aizawa?" I turned to see Uraraka

"Oh I'm going to get coffee, do you want to come with me? Kat has a lot of school work I had to convince him to do" She giggled

"Yes of course" she got dressed into short blue shorts with a white crop top with an alien with a green paid shirt on top. It was a cute outfit I have to say. We started walking to the store

"so about Bakugo?"

I started blushing "what about him"

"Was he any good?"

"Omg Kami asked the same question" she started laughing


"Why do you ask?"

"Well you are a beautiful girl and very honest and don't let other people bring you down your just.. you and I think that you deserve to be treated well"

I smiled and put my hand on my heart "thank you Uraraka" she smiled at me "yes he was good" we then laughed. we got to the store and I got the coffee and then went to Starbucks to get us drinks.

"Ok you have to admit though your dad is scary" she said smiling and giggling

"No he's not that scary he's just... very... Yea he's scary" we started laughing

I was pulled into an ally then pinned to a wall. I looked over to see that Uraraka was pinned on the ground

"Let us go!" She said

"Naaaa we need this girl here and you we'll just discard" the guy holding me said

"No you don't" I nailed him in the balls making him drop me

"You little bitch!" He grabbed my feet dragging me towards him then picking me up and holding my head "if you try anything I'll crush you skull with my bare hands" he said he was huge and muscular he wore a mask that looked like a crow's beak there were glass by his eyes so he could see, His hair was everywhere.

The guy by Uraraka was also wearing a mask but was scrawny and wore a vest with fur around the edges his hair was long.

The small one kicked Uraraka in the stomach laughing


"Oh yea go ahead and try" he said kicking her. I spread my wings hard and fast so it hit the big guy hard on the face I then activated my quirk preventing him from using his i then ran to the guy by Uraraka and kicked him into a wall then right before I broke his legs a guy came and grabbed Uraraka.

I looked at him with death I'm my eyes he had a mask on too but his was red and gold and he wore a green jacket with a purple fur around the edges

"I'd hate to make a mess here but you are making this very difficult" he said. I glared at him

"Let her go or he will become paralyzed"

"Let him go and you little friend here won't die"

I clenched my teeth then let him go "now you let her go"

"Not yet, you did cause us a lot of problems maybe we should kill her"

"You want me right, let her go without a single cut or bruise and I'll come with you without a problem"

"Aizawa no" Uraraka pleaded

"Hmmm fine come here" he ordered

"Let her go first"

He let her go

"Let's go" he ordered

"Aizawa you can't he'll kill you"

"He'll kill you if you stay so go and don't follow me I'll know if you do ok if you stay they will go against the deal" she started crying but nodded and ran off

"Alright I'm coming" I hid my phone in my underwear as we walked to that they believed I left it

"Wait give me your cell phone" the guy with the green jacket said

"I left it at the dorms"

"You said that there would be no difficulties"

I growled and gave him my phone he then smashed it on the ground and we continued walking into the dark ally.

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