The beginning of a new life

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Daniel: I'm sorry for staring, it was unintentional, I apologise uh who are you again, we're from the same school but I don't think I've seen you around

????: It's fine, anyway my name's Jasmine from class 3-F, you are?

Daniel: Oh Daniel from 3-D the other side of the school at opposite blocks, are you a transfer student?

Jasmine: No, I think you've just never seen me around the school. After all, it's impossible to see everyone in school and recognize them even if we're the same year.

Daniel: (Damn she got me there, she doesn't appear to look like a typical student from our school. Normally girls are either too rowdy or too well-behaved, she doesn't appear to be from either one of those extremes. She seems rather composed, I expected her to talk in a more brash manner than she did.)

Daniel stared at her again, he couldn't help but look at her bluish black eyes and her flowing black hair, she looked different from most and someone he was actually curious and intrigued by.

Daniel: If you aren't a transfer student, it's surprising this is my first time seeing you at this park, I haven't seen you in the past 3 years I've been here.

Jasmine: You're assuming I've lived around these parts for past 3 years, which is wrong. I just moved in here 2 days ago and wanted to check out the neighbourhood and find places I could relax at.

Daniel: Crap! I'm sorry.

Awkwardly grinning and scratching his head, Daniel cursed himself under his breath for getting too curious and slipping up in the conversation.

Jasmine: We've met for 5 minutes and you've already apologised twice, you're a pretty interesting person aren't you?

She said with her eyes closed with a slight grin on her face

Daniel: Well it's kind of a habit, I'm sorry, crap! I said it again... uhm...

Daniel couldn't hide the embarrassment on his face as he stared at the ground wondering why he was already messing up. Usually, he was perfectly fine with talking to new people, his family even remarked him as more extroverted when it comes to talking to new people, but there was something about her that was different from other people.

Daniel: (Ah...just forget about it, act normally like you always do, she's just another typical student not like I want to interact with anymore of them. If she's anything like the people from our school, well...I just got myself into a huge mess.)

Jasmine: By the way, what are you doing here? Judging from your previous statement you appear to come here often.

Daniel: Yeah, it's like a safe haven for me if there's any way to put it, it's really relaxing if I had to say so myself.

Jasmine: The environment certainly does seem relaxing but slightly clumsy.

Daniel: (What's with the nitpicking it's just a park? If you don't like it then just leave. As usual, she sounds like your average high schooler, stupidly bold, lacking a basic sense of respect and loves taking risks.)

Jasmine: But it does seem like it would be a nice place to be, I understand why you would enjoy it but calling it a safe haven? I'm not so sure...

"Well, personal preference I guess?" Daniel said with a smile.

Daniel: Then I won't be a disturbance to you anymore I need to head home see ya soon.

Jasmine: Yea, see you soon.

As Daniel made his way home, he couldn't wrap his head around what kind of person Jasmine was. Usually after a full length conversation with someone, he would be able to tell their general personality. For her however, he just couldn't wrap his head around her personality.

Daniel: (Her attractive outward appearance makes me think she must be one of the popular kids, 3-F is very well known for those kinds of girls, but her composure and elegant way she expressed herself was completely different from what I've seen)

As he opened the house door, he took a deep breath and walked in.

Daniel: I'm home!

Mum: Oh welcome back, how was school?

Daniel: Usual things, nothing special.

Mum: I see. Well, go take a shower and do what you got to do, your dad and I are heading out for some business, your brother and sister won't be back till 12 so the house is yours see you!

Daniel: (So basically the same thing huh? Well, not that I'm complaining, at least I can relax and watch some new anime, wouldn't want to interact with any more people anyways. Man! I sound like an emo kid now.) 

Daniel laughs to himself and heads to the shower

Daniel: Alright time to take out the trash.

Opening the door, he walked out and got the biggest shock of his life.

Daniel: ...Jasmine?

There stood Jasmine, holding the keys to the apartment opposite to his house

Jasmine: Oh, what a coincidence! I had considered the possibility but I never expected you to be here.

Daniel: Yea.......

Jasmine: Well, see you tomorrow I guess.

She opens the door and shuts it, the creaking door closed on Daniel, his dropped jaw hanging from his face.

Daniel (This could either end up harming me or not affecting me at all, and I really hope it's the latter.)

And with that, my connection to my school mate Jasmine started, and so did the beginning of a more different tone of life.

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