The School Festival part 2

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Daniel:( Man patrolling is even more boring than I thought it would be just walking around the classrooms after a few rounds you sorta get bored.)

Walking past my classroom, I noticed the whole class hard at work. They were running a food stall with everyone helping out. Even Michael was putting in effort, as surprising as it is.

Isaac:"Oh Daniel, what's up, how's patrolling going?"

Daniel:" Pretty much what you would expect, I see everyone's hard at work."

Isaac:"Of course, we're aiming for top class this time!"

Daniel:( Damn that's ambitious and also that charisma, I'm having a hard time not getting drawn in.)

Daniel:" All the best for that, don't forget your patrolling schedules everyone!"

Giving a quick smirk at Michael as I gave him the thumbs up, quickly walking away before I could see his response.

After around another hour of patrolling, I was told to take some pictures if I could since the school needed to capture the 'best moments', not a bad PR move, displaying the school's best moments while hiding away its ugliness and many flaws.

Rosalia:" Hard at work are we?"

Daniel:" Wow I didn't expect you to show up so early."

Standing in front of me was Rosalia with her violin case dressed in her proper full uniform.

Daniel:" You're pumped up for this."

Rosalia:" Yeah..." Grabbing her case tighter she looked down at the ground in hesitation.

Rosalia:" Will I be able to perform well for this? I mean my bro's way better than me at this."

Daniel:" Relax, skill isn't everything, I admit the more skilled person would theoretically perform better but on stage, it's about your nerves and how calm you are, as long as you're more calm and collected than the other, you already won."

Rosalia:" Thanks, wow I didn't know you could be so positive and caring."

Daniel:" Why does everyone see me as some negative angry guy?"

Rosalia:" Because you are, or at least were but now you seem to slowly be changing, whatever is changing you, I hope it continues."

Daniel's mind immediately thought of Jasmine, the girl who had recently entered his life, could she have been that change. Immediately blushing slightly he removed that thought from his head.

Daniel:(Now's not the time for that, time to finish up my patrolling duty and take a break.)

After a little while more, Daniel walked back to the meeting room which was being used as a resting place for committee members. Opening the door, he saw two silhouettes standing there.

Daniel:( Urgh not this again.)

Sai:" With that said I want you to organise a bonfire for the closing ceremony tomorrow."

Daniel:" Huh? What's this about."

As their heads both turned, Daniel saw once again the distressed look of Jasmine and the smug smile of Sai.

Sai:" Ah Daniel, you're right on time, you see a certain someone requested for a bonfire tomorrow at the closing ceremony and being the lovely chairwoman I am, agreed immediately. So I have Jasmine here to plan for it."

Daniel's face tensed up as he stared at Sai with a look of disgust and disbelief, immediately reverting back to the more socially acceptable look of shock.

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