The second home

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"Ah, school society, the worst place on earth, ironically a place meant for people to learn ends up being more of a factory, where students are forced to raise their hands to speak, forced to get along with others. That's what I find the worst part about school. School society is arguably the most diverse place on earth, being more diverse than a zoo is a perfect way to describe it."

Daniel bats an eye towards a group of girls sitting around their table casually talking and chatting about their weekend with big smiles and laughter.

"Ah the good girls, a common trait of asian school society. On the outside they appear to be the most well-behaved and elegant ones who always listen to the teacher and do as they're told. Homework is a must to be handed up on time for them. Any person on the outside looking at them would be envious, but in reality, many hide dark sides of themselves that they never want others to see.''

"Why're we still talking with Yu, didn't she just talk bad about us to her other group of friends?"

"Speaking of Yu, I heard last week she......."

"It's exactly like I said. They're already revealing that part of themselves. As long as you watch carefully, you will see it all unfold."
Daniel thought to himself, lying on the table with his ear piece on, with his music at lowest volume. This is how he spends most of his mornings in class, observing others around him.

"Hey Daniel."

"Yea? What is it Tomoe?''

"A group of the guys are going out later, you wanna come?"

"No thanks, I'll pass on this one so maybe next time?"

"Sure thing."

I'd rather avoid social interactions with guys like these. I don't particularly like them nor do I dislike them but when you're the most unfit and ugly one in the hangout group, you wouldn't want to be there.

"Yo! Having another observation session?"

"Yes. And you? Overslept again and got to school barely on time?"

"Got me again man. haha!" Michael exclaimed, laughing.

I grinned with a smile while preparing for the first lesson of the day

"Sigh... another boring day huh?"

"Well, can't complain about it. Just work through the day I guess."

"'Work through the day', a common way to encourage students to persevere through boring hours of school filled with uneventful lessons with useless concepts. Just like factory workers."

"Take your seats! It's time to start! Morning class, and Daniel....."

Looking up surprisedly, Daniel sees Ms Koto with the most pissed off look on her face.

"See me in my office today after school, immediately!"

"What did I do again!?"

"Well... pretty famous among the teachers eh?" Michael's sarcastic tone made me frown in irritation.

6 hours of school flew by quickly. 

After lessons, I proceeded down the school stairs to the office and wasn't careful of where I was going.

"Daniel! Watch out!"

"Arghhh!" A pile of books fell on me as I lay on the floor cursing myself. "Jeez!  Rosalia, what was that for?"

"Heh. Sorry about that"

Rosalia is 15 years old, class 3-F, and is one of the two girls in my friend group. She's not really attractive or extremely fit, basically in the same boat as me. She's pretty loud and obnoxious but still one of the more tolerable ones at this school.

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