Life goes on as normal

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(Sigh, what did I do in the heat of that moment!! You messed up Daniel, you ruined another promising social interaction and relationship.)Lamenting his own mistakes Daniel sat on his table lying down with his arms crossed.

Michael:"Woah dude you look you even more messed up than usual, something happened?" Michael asked in a semi-concerned, semi-joking manner.

Daniel:"Nope I'm fine just having an off day." Lying right out of his teeth again, but for Daniel it has become so commonplace that he really didn't bat another eye to it.

Michael:"You sure you don't sound okay?"

Daniel:"Man since when did you become the beacon of comfort, isn't this the time you interject with another joke and laugh it off." (At this point I really wanted to be left alone, to lament my own mistakes and curse at myself for eternity.)

Michael:"Well even a guy like me can be serious when the time calls for it." Daniel didn't even move, probably not believing an inch of what Michael had just said.

Michael:"Hey?" Daniel looked up it was one of the few times Michael had ever sounded like that, and Daniel understood that he really meant business. "Mind following me somewhere for a second maybe longer than that?"


Walking up the stairs to the school roof, Daniel couldn't help but wonder why Michael had called him up but he guessed it was probably to get him to say what happened and he braced himself for a hard conversation

Daniel:"Man what's going with my life right now."

Walking up to the rooftop Michael and Daniel stood apart from each other with Michael being in front.

Michael:"You know Daniel, remember this place?" Looking around Daniel was puzzled for a moment but then the memories started flowing back.

Daniel:"Yeah? This was where I went after the rejection and you were there weren't you?"

Michael:"Guess I'm gonna have to teach you a new lesson today. Something happened didn't it?"

Daniel:"What makes you think that?" Daniel was trying to hide the embarrassment and shame.

Michael:"Well normally you already look dead, but......last time I saw you like that was after the rejection so I figured something went wrong didn't it?"

Daniel:"Sigh what's up with both of you?"


Daniel:"I don't get it, how you both are able to read me like an open book, I thought I do a pretty good job of hiding them after what happened."

Michael:"Well you hide it from most but not from me....wait both?"

Daniel:"Well since it's come to this I might as well say it."

Michael:"EHHHHH! No way that actually happened!"


Michael:"I see, well as always, you reach the finishing point and trip over."


Michael:"This is something you're gonna need to learn for yourself but I guess I'm gonna give you a hint, that ring a bell?"

Daniel:"Yeah, I often said that to you when ever you talk about her."

Michael:"Yep, feels good being able to get you back. Anyways, I've seen you after the rejection all the way till now and I have to say one thing, you really haven't changed much internally. On the outside, you look better and behaving in a more open manner. But it's all a lie isn't it not just for others but for yourself isn't it?"

"........" Clinging onto the railings, Daniel pondered, was he really such a weak person, a rejection is just a rejection, so why wasn't he able to ever let go of that.

Michael:"You'll realise it someday, getting stuck on the past isn't unatural but it definitely isn't healthy."


Michael:"Oh nothin, you should get going shouldn't you, don't you have something to say to a certain someone?"

Daniel:"I don't know if that's the correct decision or not, if i leave things like that maybe I would...."

Michael:"Wouldn't fix anything, just like before, refusing to talk means you don't get to resolve anything and that just ruins a relationship just like before."


Michael:"Where's the confident and calm Daniel now hurry up and bring him out."


Running down the staircase and rushing out of school, Daniel ran like his life was on the line but he didn't know why for some reason he couldn't stop his legs.

(Why am I doing this, closing my heart off, that was the agreement I made with myself 2 years ago and yet here I am about to break that promise, but surprisingly it feels lighter my heart. I don't care someone like her would be able to understand I'm sure of it if I'm wrong then damn man i am one dumb piece of trash!)

He could see it, that familiar place where he used to relax at, a place where he had once turned that hand away but now he knew he was certain he was going to take that hand, running up stairs and arriving and that familiar place, the scent and aroma filled the air as he panted and slowly walked forward.

Jasmine:"You come back after a week panting harder than I've ever seen you must be rough did you miss this place that much?"

Daniel gazed at her again that flowing black hair and bluish eyes, the last time he saw them they were filled concern but now back to the same icy gaze.

Daniel:"Yo how have you been?"

Jasmine:"Normal I suppose am I suppose to feel different?"

Daniel:"Just for now how about you act more like yourself.."

Looking up surprised at the sudden seriousness Jasmine looked up and saw Daniel more serious than he has ever been.

Jasmine:"How would you like me to respond to what you are going to say?"

Daniel:"Should you really be asking me that? Wearing so many masks is exhausting i know that very well so please respond how you would want to. Without any of your mask."

Jasmine:"Alright then I will try"

Daniel:"Last week I ran away even though you were trying to help me I'm sorry I shouldn't have but I did because I was afraid, afraid of getting beaten down again like before. I hated myself for doing so but I realised this was the only way I was gonna keep myself from getting hurt again."

Jasmine:"Do you know why I offered advice to you? I saw inside you a reflection of who i am right now unable to truly connect with anyone because of the numerous masks we both wear and I didn't want to watch you become like me or remain like me."

Daniel:"Well now that we both did I hope from now on at least for both of us, we don't have to lie to each other anymore, since we both wear these masks of superficiality, I hope there is a place for us both to show the reality of who we are."

Daniel:"I hope so too."

Daniel:"From here on out I look forward to working with you in removing our masks."

Jasmine:"Same here."

(I think I finally found it, someone who I can truly understand and connect with, without showing a single layer of superficiality I hope that one day all these masks will be removed and I can be who I really am Daniel.)

This was a pretty emo chapter but I hope anyone reading this can enjoy it somewhat it is after all a drama story, I really enjoy writing this series and I hope you guys can please support me and encourage more ppl to read it because I'm gonna be pushing out chapters and I hope you guys at least find some enjoyment i  reading it and vote for this series and give it a star thks

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