Michaels school festival

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Daniel:" Alright report 4 done, next up...."


Daniel:" Hello?"

Michael:" Sup how are the reports coming along, hanging in there?"

Daniel:" Thank you for your concern,I hope you didn't call to gloat."

Michael:" Judging from that reaction it must be pretty stressful on your end huh."

Daniel:" Jasmine has some ridiculous standards to meet and that president Sai has an absolutely horrible work attitude."

Michael:" Hang in there man, the school festival is tomorrow, everyone's looking forward to it so don't screw up"

Daniel:" I can't even enjoy the festival because I'm on patrol duty. Sacrificing the happiness of one student for the rest, now that's school society."

Michael:" Chill out, it's a rotated schedule, still funny how our entire class has patrol duty. Are you really that spiteful to ruin everyones fun."

Daniel:" If I was that open with my cynical outlook I wouldn't have many friends would I?"

Michael:" And you're suggesting you do?"

Falling back from his chair for a moment, Daniel rolled his eyes at the snarky comment Michael had made, it was normal banter between the two. From the outside it seemed like a very weird friendship with how much shit the two threw at each other, but in reality they both knew it was nothing more than harmless banter.

Daniel:" Anyways the reason why I volunteered our class for patrolling duty is simple, it's for your sake."

Michael:"My sake?"

Daniel:" Have you seen the patrolling roster, everyone has to go in pairs, like a middle school pairing up game honestly."

Michael went silent for a minute as Daniel was busy congratulating himself on how much of an amazing friend he was.


Daniel:" Wow that's a bit of a reaction, is being put with Jamin that good of a thing."

Michael:" NO it's not, what am I gonna say to her during the patrol, what about all the times where she caught me gawking at her, you know that she probably hates me right? What am I gonna do now?"

Daniel:" Man chill out for five seconds, first off, no she doesn't hate you, humans aren't gonna hate someone they never interact with, especially not someone with as little presence in the class as you."

Michael felt a strong jab in his heart as that statement was being said with zero regard for his feelings.

Michael:" You don't understand man."

Daniel:" I understand far too well, which is exactly why I know if I don't set something up for you. Nothing will ever happen, are you sure you wanna just let things remain the way they are? Considering how much you like this girl, you should at least try to talk to her. If she's really as amazing as you say she is then she would be a good friend to have anyways."

Michael:" But I freeze up once I'm near her and I have zero idea what to say because I know nothing about her."

Daniel:" That's exactly why you need to talk to her, to change her from being a simple crush to an actual love interest, you need to make the move and talk to her. I'm pretty sure you don't want to be stuck like this until graduation, your rational brain might tell you it's okay but you know your emotions won't let you."

Michael:" Damn man for someone as cynical and cold as you I never expected the day when you prioritise emotions over logic."

Daniel:" I'm not that bad of a person to force you to abandon all hope on your crush just because I don't think it's worth it. The price to pay for my current outlook was the ability to enjoy my teenage years. I don't want someone else to be like me anyways, that's why I created this opportunity for you, go ahead and try your best. If you really can't think of anything to talk about then just get her to talk about herself or the school festival. The school festival is probably the best time to start new friendships, the euphoria and pure hype over it will certainly weaken school society and its boundaries."

Composing himself, Michael made his decision.

Michael:" Alright, I will give it a shot, don't expect anything successful though given how socially inept I am."

Daniel:" Don't worry about it I don't expect anything in the first place."

Michael:'' Wow that's cruel......but thanks man I appreciate it."

Daniel:" Don't mention it, anyways I should probably head back to doing reports, I would love to continue chatting but sleep is necessary to survive the socially exhausting day tomorrow."

Michael:" All the best man."

Daniel:" Thanks."

As Michael hangs up the phone, he walks over to the front of the room and turns off the light, readying himself for bed. Laying on his bed, he restlessly tossed and turned unable to sleep, his mind only able to think about one thing. Jamin.

Michael had met her less than a year ago, being in the same class, she instantly stood out to him, and as he observed her longer, he became more intrigued by her. The cheerful yet shy reserved personality was exactly his type. He had always wanted to approach her and start a conversation but every time he would just freeze up and make a fool out of himself.

Those embarrassing incidents led him to keep his distance and simply observe her from afar. To Michael, Jamin was an unattainable dream, someone he wanted to catch up to but never could, whether that be grades or social status. The inferiority tore him up inside, but somewhere in his heart he held hope that she would be someone who would accept him for he really was. Was he really worthy to be someone next to her? Those thoughts raced through his mind as he lay in bed, would this finally be the chance he needed, the push he needed to talk to her? He really hoped it would be and he was readying himself for it.

Daniel:( With this he can't make anymore excuses not to talk to her now, all that's left is Jamin, if their personalities match then good for them, if it doesn't tho...)

Daniel's mind wondered back to a committee meeting he had a week ago:

Jasmine:" Why would you want to take on patrolling, oh, could it be you hate seeing people have fun because you can't and you want to ruin it for them?"

Daniel:" What kind of person do you take me for. No, I have another reason for this.....It's for a friend."

Jasmine:"You care about other people, honestly that's the most surprising part."

Daniel:"What kind of person do you take me for?"

Jasmine:" A sad lonely, cynical person. But sure, your class can have the patrol duty."

Daniel:" Thanks, appreciate it."

Daniel gave a light smile as Jasmine looked at him with eyes of complete shock.

Daniel:" This is gonna be one very interesting school festival."

Hello guys once again thanks for reading the new chapter really hope you enjoyed at least a bit of Michaels character and his motivation during the school festival. I really hope to flesh him out more as he is a main character. Up next will be Rosalias set up chapter and after that finally we can begin the cultural festival I have a lot planned out so hope you enjoy it

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