The School Festival

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Jasmine:" That's all for today's plans, so far everything is on schedule and tomorrow's school festival will go according to plan."

Chris: "That's good, everyone has their finishing reports and assignments for tomorrow? Let's all have a good school festival tomorrow.''

Daniel: (8 reports to finish by today! This is ridiculous, I'm surprised this isn't child labour. All this work for some school festival which in itself is just a boring uninteresting event, i wish it could just end as quick as possible)

Sighing, Daniel picked up his bag and started heading to the exit, he wanted to get out as soon as possible. School represented nothing more than suffering and exhaustion for him, the quicker he left the quicker he could relax and not be on his guard.

Jasmine:" What's with the angry look, I hope you don't mind all the work i gave you." Jasmine proclaimed with the most smug smile I had ever seen.

Daniel: (I have never felt more inclined to hit someone particularlly a woman this much before. But being the bastion of respecting wahmen, I shall refrain from doing so, wouldn't want to end up in court, definite loss for me if things ever made it that far.)

Daniel: "hahaha not at all, 8 reports in one night is totally fine don't worry about it." Daniel exclaimed with the most sarcastic tone he could muster up

Jasmine: " Oh my, with all that talk of being better and superior than everyone else, I just happened to assign you more work. Since you don't hang out with friends after school, I figured I could help you kill some time."

Daniel: "You know I'm a human right? I have hobbies and personal interests too."

Jasmine: "Ah forgive me, I almost forgot you were human with all the negativity you spew out."

Daniel: "True enlightenment comes at a cost."

Jasmine: "Yes keep rambling, I expect my reports to be done with the utmost efficiency."

Daniel:" You are really merciless with this, if you would put on a nicer facade maybe guys might like you."

Immediately, Jasmine gaze shifted directly to Daniel, the murderous glare only a girl could give off when reaching heights of anger like this.

Daniel: "Forgive me please don't stare at me like that."

Jasmine:" Don't worry, if I cared about a simple remark like I wouldn't have made it very far."

Slightly lifting his eyebrows towards Jasmine with an intrigued look. A gaze he knew all too well, it was one he commonly displayed, the type of gaze one coud only give off after enduring incredible humiliation. Daniel's curiosity towards Jasmine's past was reignited but he quickly pushed them away.

Daniel: "Anyways we should probably get going, I have reports to finish as quickly as possible or I will be pulling an all nighter again."

Jasmine: "I'll meet you at the gate, go on without me first,I have to drop by the teachers office to hand up some homework."

Daniel: "Alright"

Walking towards the gate in his usual stance, Daniel wondered how this year's school festival would go.

Jasmine: "Excuse me"

Leaving the office, Jasmine prepared to head to the gate and go home but was suddenly stopped as she felt someone walking towards her.

Sai: "Yo! Jasmine how's the school festival coming along, as committee president i feel like I should drop by every now and then."

A tense look appeared on Jasmines face as she looked around avoiding all eye contact.

Sai smiled sadistically, almost as if she was ready to attack Jasmine once an opportunity arose.

Sai:" Why are you so nervous, relax it's just me." Putting her hands on Jasmine shoulders Sai whispered to her:

Sai:" As long as you do your part, nothing will be leaked on my end."

Jasmine face turned to despair as if having witnessed some horrific event. Sai reverted back to her cheerful smile and backed off cheerfully exclaiming:

Sai: "Let's have a good school festival this year."

As she walked off, Jasmine stood still at where she was staring at the ground as if having been completely defeated. She clenched her bag and bit her lip.

In the distance, Daniel stood still as well watching everything that had just took place, as he watched Jasmine stand there he couldn't help but notice how fragile she looked in that moment, as if she were to break if he even called out to her.

Daniel: ( The past, sonething we all look back on at some point in our lives, depending on the part we look back on, we would either smile to ourselves, cringe at the stupidity or curse at yourself for making a wrong decision that affects you till this day. They say the past doesn't define you, but that's a load of bullshit, experiences make a person, if you had a bad past, then you would turn out most likely to be someone negative and cynical. Of course exceptions exist everywhere in life but majority end up like me, hiding away the past, pretending it never happened and trying to move on. But no matter how much you try to free yourself, you can never move away from your past.)

Daniel: "You alright?"

Jasmine: "You scared me" Lifting her face and immediately trying to compose herself, Daniel could tell Jasmine was in total shock.

Jasmine: "Did you see anything?"

Daniel: "Was there something I needed to see?"

Jasmine: "No, it's fine lets go."

As they silently walked towards the bus stop, Daniel couldn't help but ponder the relationship Sai and Jasmine had. What kind of person was Sai to be able to make someone as composed as Jasmine lose her cool. To Daniel, Sai was nothing more than your average high school girl, blonde hair, average height, extremely extroverted personality. The model example of the kinds of people he hated and railed against with his ideals. But there was definitely something more to her. However, there was something more pressing on his mind. Lying to Jasmine outright about something probably very personal was bugging him to the core. He couldn't wrap his head around why he was so hung up about one measly lie that probably was for the better.

As he greeted her goodbye and headed to the store to pick something up. The thought only continued to bother him and made him question why he did so in the first place.

Daniel:( I hate fake people, those who deceive others with lies and personas,those who can lie throught their teeth, i seriously don't know how they do it. Living more to society and its meaning of normalcy, adapting youself to become more socially acceptable. The Jasmine i knew was someone like that, however was someone able to identify everyones persona. I held that part of her in admiration, her cool calm and collected personality that she gives off. But i was wrong, that in itself was a lie. I chose to hold expectations for what she was and played myself by believing in those expectations. But at the end of the day she is just human. Like everyone else she puts on personas and masks to hide her real self and make herself more likeable. All people like her and I do it, fitting into the pre conceived notions of what is socially acceptable based on 'cool' peoples likes and dislikes. We are all fakes at the end of the day, and i despise fakes, that's why..... i hate myself.)

AN: Thats chapt 9 pretty word heavy filled chapter but thank you for continuing to read this far i promise you the sch festival will not disappoint next chapter will focus on Michael and his whole character motivations for this festival.

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