Chapter 2

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Jade's Pov

"Babe C'mon ! You said that you weren't ready for it 5 months ago ! And I Can't believe that you still don't wanna loose your fuckin virginity!" Jed said in an irritated tone "Jed , it's a big deal for me!"I argued . Right now Jed and I are in his car , and we are on the way of my house . He suddenly stopped the car "Get out of my fucking car right now!" He yelled at me , "Seriously?! You are that immature to leave your 'Girlfriend' in middle of a fuckin forest road where no one literally no one passes by ?" I screamed at him . "Get off my fuckin car! I don't like to repeat myself" he yelled at me , "FUCK YOU ! YOUR STUPID FACE ! AND OUR INAUSPICIOUS RELATIONSHIP!" I yelled and got off his car .

And being the dickhead he is , he left me in middle of nowhere . So, I decided to walk home . As I was walking , I heard something in the bushes , which made me walk a little bit faster . Suddenly someone came out of the bushes and started following me , that person was wearing a facemask which made me unable to see their face . That person got really close to me , so , I decided to run , but that person was way faster than me . That person grabbed me by my waist and injected something straight in my neck making me feel dizzy and after sometime I passed out .

Perrie's Pov

Right now I am at Lauren's Place waiting for her to come 'with Jade' . I feel really bad for kidnapping her , but I think she deserves a bit of torture to mess with me and my heart for 15 fucking years (3-18) .
I quickly opened the door , I saw Lauren carrying unconscious Jade . "Let me carry her"I said and took jade in my hands making Lauren chuckle "jealous much?" She asked "Let me carry my 'wife' Lauren !" I joked and put jade on bed.

Jade's Pov

I woke up to a feeling of light headache , I got out of bed . Then I realised that I was fuckin kidnapped . I started crying and I tried to open the window but it was locked and I tried to break the window by the chair which was of no use . And suddenly someone (who I suppose is my kidnapper) "please don't hurt me!" I said and closed my eyes "Noone is gonna hurt you 'baby' " I heard a familiar voice , when I looked up i saw a person I hate most "PERRIE EDWARDS YOU ARE SO DEAD"I screamed .

Perrie's Pov

"PERRIE EDWARDS YOU ARE SO DEAD!" she screamed and punched me right in my nose , making me fall on the ground. Which made me a little mad , so, I got up and pinned her to the wall making her breath hitch "p-perrie l-let me go right now !" She said in a weak but a scary voice "you wish " I chuckled and got really close to her neck "p-please let me go" she sobbed , which made me a little soft . I wiped her little tears and kissed her cheek "baby, Don't be like that . You know that the last thing I want to do is hurt you . I just wanted you to learn a lesson , so , you don't mess with me or my heart again"I said in a soft voice . "M-my mom is gonna find me!"she said which made me chuckle "No , she will not ! She thinks that you are on the plane going to New York for your dance training "I told her , which made her eyes go wide and she burst into tears .

"Jade stop crying! I can't see you like that " I said in a stern tone , she gave me a glare and kicked me in the area where it hurts the most and started to run , I was on the ground rolling with pain . "Never ever try to run away! Understand!" I heard Lauren's voice , so I got out of the room to see Lauren handcuffing Jade "Lauren, you don't need to do that!" I argued , she threw jade on the sofa and took me in the corner "Pez you need to be a little tough , otherwise she will not be scared of you" she said , I nodded and returned back to where jade was . I picked her up and took her to the spare room in Lauren's apartment , and threw her on the bed , she gave me a glare and tried to hit me with her leg , so I caught her leg "don't you ever try to misbehave with me ! Other wise you might get punished "I said in a stern tone "p-punished?"she gulped "Yeah , like you might loose your virginity. Well you will loose your virginity somehow" I said with a chuckle which made her cry even more . So , I decided to leave her for a while .

1 hour later.....

When I opened the door , I saw jade sleeping on the bed in the same position . "Jade , wake up" I shook her gently , she opened her eyes "c-can you please take out these handcuffs ? T-these are really hurting me"she said really politely , I nodded and took off her handcuffs . "I got you food!" I exclaimed happily "I don't want to eat"she replied and looked away "don't do that jade ! You have to eat otherwise you get really sick" I said "I even brought you Chinese food"I added , she looked at me "here you go"I said and gave her the Plate "I am not eating!" She suddenly screamed , "Just don't give her any food mate ! Let her die in hunger! She doesn't deserve it"Lauren said getting angry at Jade . Lauren held jade's hand and said "if I was in Perrie's place I would've already done a million of bad things to you , but look at her she's treating you so fuckin well , tell me one thing jade , will any other kidnapper treat you like this?" Lauren asked making jade look down "now , don't be a bitch eat the bloody food" she said and left the room .

She took the plate , but she wasn't able to hold anything (chopsticks/spoon) maybe because she was handcuffed kinda badly "here , let me feed you"I said and started to feed her . "Thanks Perrie" she mumbled quietly , I gave her a small smile . "It's 10:00 pm , I think you should get changed and go to sleep"I said and handed her shorts and an oversized t shirt . She looked at me (she was thinking that I would either look away or go out of the room . Lol . Keep on thinking) "c'mon take off your fuckin clothes!" I said desperately "in front of you?"she asked in a shock "you don't feel embarrassed to change in front of Jed !" I said getting a bit angry "I am not doing that in front of you"she said and shot me a glare "no problem, I'll do that for you"I said and took off her clothes and stared at her body for a solid minute or two "can I put them on myself?" She asked refering to the shorts and t-shirt "nope" I said and got her in the shorts which made me feel jade's perfect shaped ass and t-shirt which made me feel her sexy abs . After changing Her clothes I changed mine quickly and put jade on the bed and spooned her from behind "Goodnight my love"I said and drifted off to sleep .


A/n: Perrie kidnapped Jade finally ! I wish Perrie could kidnap me ☹️ . Lol . I hope you guys are liking the concept of the story 🖤😉 (Kindoff smut coming really soon)

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