Chapter 15

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Jade's Pov

It's been 2½ months since I figured out I was pregnant . These 76 days were really weird for me , I was obviously not really good with dealing with morning sickness (which happened sometimes ) and College was just making everything worse . I mean it was almost the end of college , which means exams are on the way . And let me tell you something I suck in studies , but I am really happy that Perrie always tutors me .

I even have a small baby bump . I am wearing hoodies so that noone in my College can see my little baby bump , because we haven't told the whole campus about it . And Perrie and I are really thinking about getting jobs because we don't want to depend on our moms for rest of our and our baby's life. "Well, you guys should just do something that you love"Varia said "Like?"Perrie asked "Jade is a great artist ! You should make an art gallery " she said "We need a lot of money for this and We need a place for it too!"Perrie said "Jade can make an art gallery in my cafe ! It will be great ! We can make a separate area or you can say a special area for her work ! We can be business partners Need"Varia said "That's a great idea Var but we need a job that doesn't take too long for monetization"I said , she nodded "Perrie what do you want to do?"I asked "I don't know babe , I really want to be a footballer"she shrugged "Not happening"Varia said and pez glared at her "Perrie!"I heard Perrie's mum's voice "what happened mom"she asked "Your Father wants you to run his company"Debbie said and Perrie choked on her tea "W-what?"Her eyes were wide as plates "Yeah , he's even here to see you"Debs said and we all ran downstairs "Hey dad"Perrie said and hugged him "hello Per! And congratulations "He said and kissed her head "And you too"he said and gave me a side hug "Thank you Mr Edwards"I said "Call me Alex or Dad whatever you want , I'll prefer Dad"He said and patted my head .  "Can we get straight to business?"He asked , we all sat down (Varia left the house) .

"Perrie , you know I am not a type of person who will just give the whole freaking company to my Daughter just because she is my only sensible child . Jonnie is a cinematographer and Caitlin is still in high school and will most likely go in some fashion company . And you are the only one in the whole family who was always good in dealing with business problems , I mean I consulted you when I was in a business problem and you helped me and your advice worked . I really think that you have something in you that will expand our business even worldwide . I am retiring because I'll just move back to America and stay with Caitlin and Jonnie and make some rock music *chuckles* . So, After the exams I want you to be there ! "He said and Perrie hugged him tightly "Thanks Dad"She said "Don't get the company bankrupt"He joked "I won't"She said with a big smile on her face which melted my heart .

1 hour later..........

"What is the name of the company?"I asked as I cuddled her "Pegasus , we make music instruments . We specialise in electric guitars "She said and kissed me "your dad had a fuckin guitar company still you didn't get an electric guitar on your 13th birthday ?"I asked "Um My Parents just got divorced then so I was not talking to him "She said "Ohh"I nuzzled closer to her "You'll be The ceo right?" I asked , she hummed "Can I be your secratary? Just like Dakota Johnson"I joked "No! You are my queen . You'll be always on the higher post than me"She said and kissed me "Not even for sex?"I asked "Ummm maybe"She said and got on top of me .

Smut Warning 🔞

She got on top of me and started to kiss my jaw moving to my lips . The kiss got really heated (you can say that we were literally eating each other's faces) , I moaned as I felt her erection growing "Holy fuck Jade !"She groaned and took off my bra and attached her lips to my nipple making me squirm "Ahh Per-rieeee"I moaned as I felt her hand going down to my pussy "Baby I need you!"I moaned which was more like a scream "Shh! My mom is downstairs I don't want her to hear "she joked and entered me slowly "Ummm pez"I moaned "Fuck Jade ! How are you Still so tight?"She groaned and increased the speed of her thrusts "Ahhh Perrie"I moaned she connected our lips making me moan into the kiss as I felt her thumb on my clit rubbing it slowly . I felt her ball tightening , which meant she was gonna cum "Shit Jade Im gonna cum"She moaned as she disconnected our lips "Me too babe"I moaned , she increased her speed making me have the best orgasm of my life .

It's over now.......

"My mum must be really pissed because we don't let her fucking sleep"Perrie joked "We are getting the new house soundproof , I mean our bedroom is the most important"I said she giggled "By the way , Do you want a boy or a girl?"I asked her "I don't really care to be honest , Girl I think because she'll be my little princess"She said "I thought I was your Princess"I pouted "you are my queen now"She said and kissed me "I am thinking a boy will be great too , he'll be just like Rupaul"I said "Woah"She laughed "What?"I asked "I just can't with your Rupaul addiction"She was still laughing "you are addicted to Keeping up with the Kardashians, that's way worse"I defended myself "What will you name him or her?"Pez asked "If it's a girl then she'll go with my middle name Amelia or Jasmine because , she'll be my Princess Jasmine and if it's a boy I'll name him Icy after Ice bear from We bare bears"I said "Isaac Edwards or Amelia Edwards like that "She smiled I pecked her lips. "I am so happy to have you Jade"She said "I am really happy to have you too Pez , now let's sleep it's 12:00"I said and we drifted off to sleep.


A/n: Hey guys I hope you are doing great 😊 ! The gender will be revealed in the next chapter 👀😘.

And most importantly "Happy mother's Day!!" ❤️👑

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