Chapter 11

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One week later.....

Jade's Pov

"what happened to your leg ? Why are you on crutches?"I asked Varia as she was coming towards me "Not much just pranked Jed and the gang and they just beat me up"She just shrugged "What did you do?"I asked "I just wrote 'I have a little Weiner' with a permanent colour spray on his car"She replied "Oh"I chuckled "Well , how are the things going between you and Perrie?"She asked "Not that great , she is still spending time with me but I don't feel loved anymore"I replied getting sad "I can make you feel loved you know"she winked I punched her arm playfully "Shut up Var!"I chuckled "Here's your wife"Var said as Perrie approached us "hey babe"Perrie said and pecked my lips "And also Hello to the person I don't know"Perrie said to her "We are in same Accounts class"Var gasped "Well try to be more noticeable"Perrie said I glared at her "what?"Perrie said and looked at me "Perrie can you help me with the books ? I still have the bruise on my leg"I turned around to see Gigi "sure"Perrie said with a grin "Can I?"she asked me I nodded "Why does noone help me by carrying my books? I have an almost broken leg. What a nice world we live in?"Var said I can sense that she's trying to piss Gigi off "Becoz you are just a weird kid who don't even deserve to breathe the same air as me"Gigi said making Perrie chuckle "Perrie!"I glared at her "What is wrong with you Jade? Why are you taking her side? She's a geek!"Perrie said (basically yelled) "Because she's waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than you ! She treats me with respect ! She didn't Kidnap me and rape me over and over again! Because she cares about me ! She also had a crush on me for a long time but she never did anything illegal to get me!"I yelled at Perrie , Perrie was turning red from anger "I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU SAID THAT!"Perrie screamed and punched Var on her face and left the hallway with Gigi "Hey! Are you ok?"I asked Var and helped her to get up "y-yeah"she said in pain "Fuck ! You are bleeding"I exclaimed as I saw her right eyebrow's side is almost split open and bleeding heavily "What is happening here?"Sairah asked "Jade take her to the hospital as soon as possible"Sairah said and I nodded and called Leigh with me to help me .

In the hospital......

"You know , I am not gonna die"Var said with a chuckle "You have to take this"Doctor said refering to the injection syringe "Haha , no I am alright"She said "Are you scared ?"I teased "NO ! I AM NOT SCARED , DOCTOR ! STAB ME WITH IT I AM READY"She almost screamed making me laugh "Are you single?"Var asked the Doctor who just blushed "unfortunately not"Doctor replied and showed her ring finger "Why are all the sexy people taken!" Var exclaimed dramatically , making the doctor blush even more "Hey ! Stop flirting"I fake scolded her "Baby!! Are you alright?"A girl just came rushing to the room "Yeah kinda"Var said and that girl kissed her "I thought you were single"Doctor joked which made her chuckle "Jade ! Meet my girlfriend this is Natalie"Var said and Natalie gave me a warm smile "And Nat this is ja-" Natalie cut her off "Jade Thirlwall I know ! You are the cheerleading captain, I always wanted to be in the team"She said with excitement lacing in her voice "Nice to meet you"I said and shook her hand "Nice to meet you too"She said "Can I go home now?"Var whined "not yet missy"Doctor said "baby I have to go ! My mom just called me"Natalie said and kissed her again before leaving .

35 minutes later...

"You are good to go now!"Doctor said and patted her head and also gave her a candy "Thank you"She said cutely "Let's goo"I said grabbing her hand "You never told me about your girlfriend"I raised my eyebrow at her as we were going to her place " never asked"she replied "you jealous?"She teased "no! I maybe have a girlfriend"I replied getting sad at the last part "Everything is gonna be alright Jade, you both just need to talk "She said and I nodded . "thanks for dropping me!"Var said "no problem varry"I said and gave her a tight hug "Take care"I said and left her house .

When I reached my house i saw that my mom was not here because her car wasn't there but the door was open "So, you are finally here?"I heard Perrie's voice "What are you doing here?"I asked "Why? I can't visit my own girlfriend's house"she said and pinned me to the wall "Perrie we need to talk"I said and Perrie's face just dropped "Please don't break up with me"She said and held my hand "I am not breaking up with you , I just want to know everything that's happening between you and Gigi"I said and cupped her cheeks "Jade it's nothing"she said while looking at the ground "Pez, I already know that you and Gigi had a casual relationship! Just tell me" I said while looking in her eyes "Yeah....we used to have a casual relationship , but I never loved her baby ! I swear it's just she can get me arrested ! She also used to be my drug dealer and she has the photos of me buying them"Perrie said and groaned "she's blackmailing me to stay away from you ! Because she said that she'll get me arrested with her"Perrie added "Ohh, I am so sorry Perrie for thinking that you are cheating on me"I said and kissed her softly and she kissed back immediately "I should've told you that before baby"she frowned "she has photos on her phone?"I asked , Perrie nodded "There's one person who can help you"I said "Who?" She asked "Varia! She can hack Gigi's phone"I said "really?"she said "Yeah , but first you have to apologise to her for being a bitch"I said and raised my eyebrow while waiting for her answer "ok"she mumbled "Let's go to her house"I said and grabbed the keys.

15 minutes later.......

*Ding dong*
"Hey Jade! come in"Natalie said as she opened the door "OH my god you are Perrie Edwards!"she said making Perrie chuckle , I looked at her "I am sorry for punching your girlfriend"she said and looked at the floor "well it's not alright , but atleast you apologised . But you know it's kinda normal for her to get beat up"Natalie said , we both nodded "Var is in this room, you guys can go" she said and left us there *knock knock* "Come in"we heard a soft voice "Hey Jade! Hi Perrie"she said as she saw us "I am so sorry for punching you! I swear I am never gonna do this again"Perrie apologized "it's alright"she replied with a smile "well Var can you please help us ?"I asked "What can I do ?"she asked , we told her the whole story "ooh , yeah I can help but , you need to figure out if she has that on any other device or not too"she said "I'll try to get all the information"Perrie said "Ok then , I'll get the photos deleted"She said and gave Perrie a Pendrive "If you can put this in Gigi's laptop it will be great, since you are the computer lab partners and you have to do the project together on your own laptop"Var said and Perrie nodded "And after this we'll get that bitch arrested!"I said "yeah!"Var chuckled .

I just hope everything goes well......


A/n: Wassup guys! I hope you are doing great 😊! Don't miss the next update 😉. Let's see how Jerrie and Var are gonna get Gigi arrested!!!

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