Chapter 12

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Perrie's Pov

'I can do it!' I told myself as I put the pendrive that Varia gave me in Gigi's Laptop "Hey Perrie! what are you doing here?"Gigi asked I quickly removed the pd "nothing "I replied nervously "ohh, what about we go to a cafe ? I need caffeine"She said I nodded and followed her .

When we reached the cafe we sat down in front of each other "Perrie, you should break up with jade she's not for you babe , she's way different than you and you are like me "Gigi said and held my hand "I don't know Gigi"I replied with a sigh . "What can I get you both?"The waitress asked and when we looked up it was Varia "Ha! Sup loser , Working in a cafe like a servant?"Gigi joked "I own this place "She replied and Gigi was shocked which made me stiffle a laugh "Hot chocolate please "I said Var nodded and wrote it "Anything you want miss?"She asked Gigi with a smirk "Frappé"Gigi muttered "Gigi" Var said "What?" She replied "Nothing just wanted to tell you that you're a bitch"Var said and left our table "Such an asshole"Gigi said and rolled her eyes.

20 minutes later.....

"The works done baby"I said and kissed Jade on her cheek "Var can you do this ?"I asked her "yeah....but there's a problem "She said "what?"I asked confused "If you get Gigi arrested , you will get arrested too Perrie . You purchased drugs ! It's a crime too"She said I gulped "Var Can you please just get Gigi arrested not her"Jade said and held my hand tightly as I was gonna disappear now "Jade, I understand your feelings but What Perrie did was also not right , but don't worry since she's under 18 and purchased small quantity so , you'll just get arrested for a month and Gigi will be probably arrested for 10 Years"She said I nodded my head "well....yeah it's just a month and the thing I did was wrong"I said and looked at the floor "NO! YOU ARE NOT GOING TO JAIL!!"Jade screamed "Babe, it's just a month"I cupped her face and kissed her nose "Ok then , Perrie meet me in the police station tomorrow at 10 "Var said and left the house.

"Perrie why are you doing this?"Jade asked "Baby , it will be fine"I said and kissed her which turned sexual in seconds "We should have some Goodbye sex"Jade said and started to squeeze my dick through my jeans "mmh jade"I moaned "wanna take this to bedroom?"I asked she nodded desperately I carried her to my bedroom and put her gently down "I want you in now"Jade moaned , I quickly took off my clothes and she did the same. I pushed her to the bed and got on top of her and started massaging her boobs while I kissed her neck "Uhh Perriee"She moaned desperately , I started to rub her clit slowly , making her squirm and then I entered her with a smooth but deep stroke making her moan really loudly "Perrieee I need you"she said , I continued to slam into her pussy and I knew I have hit her spot many times already , her walls started to squeeze my dick so , I knew she was close "Babe I am gonna cum "she moaned "me too baby , cum for me"I gave her another thrust and she came milking my dick and just after that I came inside her "ahh pez"she moaned as she felt dick still hard , she flipped our positions and started to lick my abs making me even harder if it was possible and she pumped my dick a few times before taking it in her mouth ,"Fuck jadeee"I moaned as she engulfed my whole shaft in one go "you are so good at this"I said and patted her head , she squeezed my balls gently and continued to suck my dick head making me really close to orgasm "I am so close "I said , she increased her speed and I came in her mouth releasing my hot liquid . "you are my favorite food"Jade said and kissed me making me chuckle "Babe I am tired"She warned as I gently started to stroke her clit "Ok baby"I said and kissed her "I can't believe I won't be able to fuck you for a month now"I said and jade looked at me "I'll miss you"she said and nuzzled her head on my chest "I'll miss you too babygirl"I replied and kissed her head "let's sleep now baby , it's 11:30"she said "good night baby , I love you"I said and closed my eyes "Nanite Pez , I Love you too"she said and kissed my nose and cuddled me cutely.

Next Morning...... (At the police station)

"Miss Gigi Hadid is already arrested , so , you'll be arrested now . But we appreciate that you came forward on your own . And because of this you'll get a nice cell and not too dangerous Cellmates"Officer Hopps said (she's not a bunny) I nodded and followed her "First you'll have to go strip , you know for security reasons . Not because you're hot"Officer Scott said making me chuckle , I just shrugged . I was never ashamed of my body , I just roamed around naked at times so it was definitely normal for me .

I quickly striped and got security checked and put on the jail clothes which were surprisingly really comfortable "If You need something , you can tell me ! And if you're bored there is a library and a basketball court for the prisoners" I nodded "Thanks Officer Scott"I said with a smile "anythingforyou"she muttered under her breath , but I heard it obviously "This is Kristen , your cell mate . She got arrested for beating a man up really hard because he made a sexist Comment and she beat him with a chair and he got paralyzed" Officer Scott said "damn"I chuckled I looked a woman same pale skin and blonde hair as mine her was just a lot shorter(Justin Bieber What do you mean hairstyle) and she was looking really comfortable on the bed "Hey ! I am Perrie"I introduced myself and offered her a handshake which she took happily "Murdered someone?"she asked "no just purchased drugs"I replied "cool"she said and roamed around in the cell "there are some rules you'll have to follow"she said I nodded "1)Don't snore 2) Don't try to get in the bed with me 3)When you're on your periods don't be a cranky bitch! Understand?"she said "Well , 1)I don't snore 2) I have a girlfriend 3)I have a dick so I don't have periods"I said "Bring it in sister"she said and hugged me "wanna play some basketball?"she asked "Sure"I said with a smile . Well, being in jail is not that bad.


A/n: Wassup guys!! I hope you all are liking the story 🖤  and see Perrie got arrested for purchasing drugs ! You should never do something illegal . Lol .

A really big thing is gonna happen in this story , really soon..👀👀 . Guess what it will be?

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