Chapter 14

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Jade's Pov

"Woah that was better than ever"Perrie breathed out and gave me a peck on the lips "Hmm"I hummed and nuzzled into her neck "Baby , do you want me to call my mum and tell her that we will be there for dinner?"She asked , I nodded in response "Are you nervous Jadey?"she asked and gave me a kiss "Yeah , I mean kinda . I know our mums will not kick us out or stuff but I don't want them to be disappointed"I replied "It will be ok baby "She said and cuddled me .

3 hours later.....

Right now Perrie and I are sitting beside eachother staring at our mothers trying to start 'that' conversation. "you girls wanted to tell us something?"Debs raised her eyebrow "Y-yeah"I replied "Mom before you get mad I just want to say that if you  don't accept the fact I am gonna leave this country with my Jadey and never come back"Perrie said , wow she's a genius ! I rolled my eyes at her she just made it ten times worse ! "Ok?"Debs said with a questioning look "I am-" "I am Pregnant!"I finally said "you are what?"Debbie asked and I saw my mom crying , oh god this is not good ! "She said that she's pregnant that means we are having a baby that we are keeping !!! And everyone has to deal with it"Perrie shouted , god she definitely has some anger issues "Perrie shut up!"Debbie yelled at her "I can't tell you how happy I am right now and my stupid daughter thinks that I'll be mad ! I and gonna be a grandma"Debbie said with an ear to ear smile and my mum nodded at every word she said "Oh thank God I thought , Jade and I would have to move to a small country and look after the goats and stuff"Perrie said chuckling making everyone giggle "Come here Jadeypoo"Debbie said and engulfed me in a big hug "Congratulations babies"She said and patted our heads "Norma get your shit together! Say something"Debbie said "I can't believe that! I am gonna be a grandma" My mom said and started to almost jump "Did you get an appointment with the gynaecologist for your future wife?"Debbie asked making us bright red "Yeah !"She said and kissed my forehead "Well , how did it happen? Jade you were on pills"My mom said making the situation uncomfortable , I mean how can I say 'The amount of times we fuck in a day , it was bound to happen' "Sometimes these shit don't work"Perrie said "Hey ! No cursing , There is a baby here"Debbie said and pointed at my tummy Making all of us  giggle .

Next day at the clinic.................

"Ms Thirlwall Please"we heard a voice so , we entered the room "Ms Thirlwall you can sit there"Doctor said , she was reading something on her file but when she looked up i saw her eye fucking Perrie "Cheryl"she said with a smile and shook her hand "Perrie Edwards"Perrie returned the smile "Are you her sister?"She asked making me kinda pissed , Perrie and I look nothing alike ! "Not at all she's my girlfriend"she replied "oh , aren't you guys too young for a baby ? I mean you guys must have worked hard for finding a donor"she said getting pissed "Umm I am the biological father"Perrie said "Oh so you are.." "intersex yeah"I completed her sentence "ok then Jane lay down" she said "It's jade" I said and laid down she put a cold substance on my stomach "What's that?"Perrie asked "I don't really know , I am new here"She replied "Are you fuckin serious?! Get a proper doctor!!"Perrie yelled "ok I'll send another doctor"She said and ran out of the room "She was flirting with you"I said out of context "Yeah I saw that , I was so pissed she was like 40"Perrie said making me chuckle "hello ! I am Dr Payne , Don't mind Cheryl she is just not at all experienced"He said and shook our hands "Let's look at the baby"He said while smiling , he was so cute ! I mean not like 'He is so cute I want to date him' , he was like 'He is such a nice person ! That's so cute' "Look here ! You see a small figure , that's your future baby"He said with a huge smile "I'll give you both a moment"he said and left the room for a while "Oh my god I can't believe it's actually happe- baby don't cry"she said and wiped my tears "I am just so happy!!"I said and kissed her "Sorry to ruin the moment ! But I just wanted to tell you that you have to be careful now , try not to get hurt specially on the stomach and you'll have to come in 3 - 4 weeks for check ups and try to be happy ! "He said "I'll take care of all the things Doc"Perrie said smiling widely "Let's go baby "she said and gave me a kiss on the head.

1½ hours later ...........

"Leigh Anne shut the fuck up ! let them speak"Jesy said "jade your friends are lame"Lauren said and I gave her a glare "Can you both just tell us what are you trying to say??"Camila asked "I am pregnant ! Perrie and I are having a baby"I said , they all were silent , and suddenly Lauren got up and grabbed Var's collar "Where the fuck are the cameras ?! You are doing a stupid prank right?? For your silly channel!"She screamed at her "no!! And don't call my channel stupid ! I have 460K subscribers"Var said "wait !? Are you really preggy?"Camila asked "Yup"Perrie said and put an arm around my waist "Congratulations guys!!"everyone said and they hugged us "We are so happy for you both!"Leigh said "I can't wait for my goddaughter/son to be born!"Lauren said "Who said you are gonna be the Godmother??!"Jesy said "I did!"She replied "No I am gonna be the Godmother"Camila said "Ok now it's final ! Camz is gonna be the Godmother! And if anyone doesn't like this can get a punch straight in their stupid faces"Lauren said and kissed Camila on her head "Ughh"Everyone groaned "Let's find some names for the Jerrie baby"Leigh said and everyone started to say random names "Bella?" "No" "Little Perrie?" "no" "Gucci?" "seriously Leigh?" "John ?" "Too common" "Dwayne?" "nope" "Undertaker?" "Varia ! What do you think this is ? Name all the WWE wrestlers??!" "camren?" "that will be our baby's Camz"

It looks like our friends were more excited than us ..


A/n : Hey guys I hope you are not having too boring quarantine! Perrie and Jade finally told their Mums and Friends !🥳

So , Do you want Jerrie baby to be a boy or a girl? 👀👀

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