Chapter 5

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Perrie's Pov

"Perrie!"I heard Lauren's voice as I was going in Jade's room (that's what I call it now) "Yeah?"I replied "Beware of Jade , She's on her period and please for god's sake don't irritate her otherwise this will happen"she said pointing at a bruise on her jaw "Jade did that?"I chuckled "Hey ! That girl has gone fuckin savage "she said in defence "Lauren , it's not zootopia ! It's real life"I said still not taking anything seriously "ok then , go to the room"Lauren said and opened the room for me .

When I entered the room I saw Jade lying on the bed groaning every minute "Jade?" I softly called her "What?"she snapped "a-are you alright?"I asked her , God she's so scary "does it look like I am okay?"she said and looked in my direction giving me a glare "i-i'll be right back"I said nervously and left the room . "Lauren you are right ! She's soo scary!"I said , "told you !"she shrugged "she's like a child possessed"I said making her chuckle "well , how are girls like when they are on their period?"I asked hoping she knows (she's intersex too , but she has a girlfriend) "I don't really know , Camila is like really horny when she's on her period"she replied "oooh , so she's horny . That's why she is frustrated!" I said and Lauren gave me a 'maybe' look . "I got this now "I smirked and winked at Lauren .

"Hey!"I said as i opened the door of 'Jade's room' and smirked at her . "What do you want?"she asked getting angry "you"I said and licked my lips "So, you are gonna rape me when I am on my period!?"she said and got out of bed and came close to me "not a rape baby , you're horny , right?"I asked her and she fake laughed and punched me on my face and threw her shoe at me I started running across the room and she was still throwing stuff at me , she threw my leather jacket at my foot which made me fall on the ground , she pulled me by my hair and kicked me 10 times on my breasts and then slapped me really hard making me fall on the ground "Ahhhhhhh" I screamed when she stepped on me "fuck you" she said and got back to the bed . And suddenly Lauren entered the room, when she saw me she quickly came to me and helped me stand up "t-thanks" I said while groaning in pain . "You need painkillers Dude"she said and took me to her room .

"She's just like fuckin Daniel Bryan"I said making Lauren chuckle "it's your fault!" I said and slapped her arm "Hey It's not my fault !"Lauren said in defence "Why's my girlfriend so stressed ?"I heard Camila's voice "hey Camz"Lauren said and kissed Camila
"Hi Lolo"she said "Hi Perrie" "sup"I replied "who did this to you?" She said when she looked at my condition "Jade did , she's on her period and Lauren said you get horny when you are on your period so ,I thought jade was horny because she was frustrated . So , I offered her to have sex with me , she got angry and Beat the shit out of me"I replied which made Camila laugh "Every Girl is different when she's on her period pez ! And I think she might be in pain , so you should go to her with food ! And cuddle her and watch a movie or two with her . She'll feel good and please give her this medicine" Camila said and handed me the medicines I nodded and got to the kitchen and made her cheeze balls with home made sauce (a/n:Just like Jesy . Lol) . 

"Jade , I brought food"I said as i entered the room "I am not hungry"she replied "Babe , I bought medicine for you to reduce your pain . And you need to eat something first.  I even brought diet coke for you , it will reduce the pain too "I said , she looked at me and nodded I smiled at her and sat beside her "Wanna watch a movie?"I asked she just nodded , she said that she wanted to watch Mean girls (iconic) . We started to stuff the cheeze balls in our mouths and after finishing the food she started to cuddle my hand , so , I got even more close to her and put my arm on her waist and cuddled her even more she snuggled in my chest a bit "sorry for hurting you"she mumbled I just kissed her head softly and replied "it's alright Jeed " .

After watching Mean girls we decided to watch some Disney movies . When we were watching the third Disney movies , her lip started to bleed , looks like she bit her lip really hard . "Let me take care of this"I said and started to clean her wound with cold water / cotton . "You are done now"I said and she was looking straight in my eyes .

Jade's Pov

"You are done now "she said and smiled at me we stared at her eyes for a couple seconds and I don't know what came to my head that I pecked her lips . She was looking really shook .

Perrie's Pov

She kissed me ! "I-I am really sorry, I shouldn't have done tha-" I cut her off with my lips on hers . I deepened the kiss when she cupped my face , we kissed for a solid minute or two . "That was wow"she said with the cutest smile "that was amazing"I said with an ear to ear smile "I am going to take a shower , you take care of this"she said with a chuckle and pointed at my erection and got in the shower . I chuckled "Let's get you relaxed"I said to the little Perrie (or let's say big 💦😝) .

A/n : Hey guys! I hope you all are streaming the shit out of Break up song 💔 . Sorry , for not updating regularly . I got really caught up in my online classes .

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