Chapter 4

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Perrie's Pov

"Wake Up Perrie !! Wake up! Please" I heard Jade's scream , I immediately got up "Jade , are you alright?"I asked checking her from head to toe "s-spider"she pointed at the wall and cuddled into me "don't worry baby , I'll take care of it"I said with a smile , after I killed the spider , I got back to bed "it's gone" I told her "thanks"she mumbled shyly. "Let's go to sleep now"I said and spooned her from behind and we drifted off to sleep.

Two hours later...........

Jade's Pov

I woke up feeling really thirsty (or water hungry how Perrie would say), so I got up and suddenly I felt someone grabbed my wrist "where are you going ?" She asked in her raspy voice "To the kitchen to drink water, can I go?"I asked , she nodded  and laid back on the bed again .

After a small nap.......

When I woke up I saw perrie coming back from a shower "I am bored"I mumbled "Let's play football"she said "so you are taking me to the football field"I said and lifted my brow she nodded "aren't you scared that I'll run away?"I asked with a smirk on my face "nope , this house is pretty big you know . My dad built a football field right next to the house"she replied with a smile "here , wear this" she said and threw a spare football jersey at me .

Perrie's Pov

Right now I am teaching Jade how to pass the football "Kick the ball in my direction"I said , she kicked the ball really softly (it hardly moved) "Like this"I said and kicked the ball in her direction "now kick it with your full power"I said , the ball was still not able to reach me "Jade , who is the person you hate the most?"I asked "Right now ,it is you"she said which made me chuckle "other than me?"I asked "umm Professor Rodgers"she said "now , imagine this Ball is Professor Rodgers and you got a golden opportunity to kick him"I told her "towards my direction"I added , she kicked the ball with way too much power and it hit me straight in my 'area' I immediately fell on the ground , she came running to me "I am so sorry Perrie , I didn't mean to do it"she apologized "nah it's alright , you are just a beginner"I said and got up "leave the passing practice, try to get the ball in the goal "I said and kicked the ball and it went straight in the goal "see it's so easy"I said and passed the ball to her , she kicked the ball and it went in completely opposite direction "Here , let me show you the position"I said and grabbed her waist making her stand straight "one foot will be in the direction you want to hit the ball and the other will be here"I said and grabbed her upper thigh and pushed it gently a bit backward , and as I was doing this I was getting really hard so I decided to think about my maths teacher and my boner was gone . "Can I kick the ball now ?"she asked which bought me back to the real world "yeah, go for it"I said , she kicked the ball and it went straight to the goal "I did it" she said and did a victory gesture .

1 hour 30 minutes later........

"Aren't you tired jade?"I panted "nope"she said with a smile on her face "now I wanna do something else"she said "what ?" I asked "let's wrestle "she said which made me laugh "you really think that you're gonna win?"I said with tears in my eyes due to how hard I was laughing "meanie"she said with a pout "let's go to the ring"I said and picked her up in bridal style .

I put her down really softly and started to put all the pillows on the floor so if she ever fails of the bed she doesn't hurt herself . "Are you ready?"I asked "I was born ready"she said sexily "well what are the rules?"I asked "Royal Rumble"she replied (for the people who don't know : they have to throw each other off the bed and the first one to touch the ground/fall of the bed will loose) "let's do it"I said "3,2,1.. start"she said and hugged me tightly trying to be cheeky so I can fall "we both know that you are gonna loose"I said "you think"she said and started to tickle me I fell luckily on the bed , she tried to push me but I am way stronger so I pushed her a little and got up , I was standing on the edge of the bed she came really close to me and tip toed and cupped my cheeks , 'is she gonna kiss me?'i thought , I saw that she closed her eyes so I did the same and leaned in and suddenly she pushed me off the bed "HA! SUCKER"she said as i was lying on the floor . "Well , I am a sucker for you"I said and winked at her she threw a pillow on my face making both of us laugh .


A/n: wassup people? 😝 . I hope you guys are in your respective houses /apartments or whatever . Be safe !wash your hands! And read my Fanfictions ! 🖤  Binge read my Fanfictions to avoid boredom this quarantine .

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