Chapter 3

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Jade's Pov

I woke up with an urge to pee , I felt something poking my butt , knowing exactly what it was made me really awkward . I got up from the bed swiftly without even try to wake Perrie up . After I finished my business I laid right next to Perrie again "Where did you go?" I heard her raspy voice "I needed to pee"I replied , she hummed and got out of bed "stay here , I am gonna bring you breakfast" she said and left the room.
I decided to take a quick shower . When I got out of the shower luckily Perrie wasn't there yet so I immediately wore the clothes , Perrie told which now belong to me . I wore ripped jeans shorts with a crop hoodie which had "Edwards" written on it.

She came back to the room and I can see disappointment on her face "Why the fuck did you take shower without me ?" She asked getting angry / frustrated "I thought I should take a quick shower so , umm "I said and I didn't really know what was I saying "Ugh ! Whatever eat this" she said and gave me plate of waffles , they were looking delicious , but before I could eat it she stopped me "take this first" she said and handed me a pill which was literally smallest pill I've ever seen , without any questions I took the pill . But after taking the pill I decided to ask her about it "what was the pill for?"I asked sweetly "That was birth control" she replied casually "what?" I choked "It's because if we have sex and I cum inside you , you'll get pregnant and we are too young to have babies" she explained in an irritated tone , which made me really mad . So , I got up and slapped her right in the face and before she could do any thing I took the guitar off the wall and smashed it in Perrie's face making her fall on the ground , bleeding "I am so sorry Perrie , but I have to do this" I said and started to run .

I knew that Perrie will eventually find me so I decided to take help of the cops and luckily one Lady officer was standing just in front of the house "Officer can you please help me ! There's someone in that house who have kidnapped me ! Her name is Perrie and her friend Lauren is involved too" I told the officer everything "Okay okay ! Ill get to it tell me your name first" she said and took out her notepad "Jade Thirlwall" I replied "Well , I am officer Cabello" she said and smiled "Let's get the criminals" she said and took my hand , and we started to approach Lauren's house .

"Whoever is here Get out ! Otherwise I'll shoot you" she said and took her gun in her hands , 'which cop says this?' I questioned my self and suddenly , Perrie (who's bleeding heavily) and Lauren came out and got on there knees and put there arms up. "Who's Idea was to kidnap her?"officer Cabello asked "mine" Lauren replied "Who was taking 'care' of her?" She asked again "what do you mean?" I asked not knowing what was exactly happening "I mean that who tied her up and stuff , or simply , who let her run away?" She asked again "Me"Perrie said with a disappointed expression "You are dumb Perrie ! How could you let her run away like that ?"Officer said making my eyes go wide "w-what?" I stuttered "If there was a real cop , you both would be in jail"she said and fist bumped Perrie and Pecked Lauren's lips "w-what the fuck is happening with me ?" I screamed and started crying "Nothing Jade you are just a bit dumb "Cabello replied "Now , I am gonna take care of her , you guys can , you know do your thing" Perrie said and winked at them .  She then put a little bandage on her temple and pulled me closer and said "Let's have some fun Thirlwall".


A/n : Hey Guys 😝! How ya doin?  . Since I am sooooo bored (Thanks to corona vacation ) I'll try to update everyday / every alternate day 😉
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