7- Wouldn't Change A Thing

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"I like Lauren."

I sigh. "There's nothing wrong with that Mani. When did you start to like her?"

"A couple weeks ago.." I nod and look at her. She refuses to look at me. "I'm sure this is just a phase Mani. There's nothing to worry about. Does Kane make you jealous?" She nods. "And that's why you don't like him?" She nods once again. "Well, it'll get better. I promise."

"Okay." I look at her as the tears pour out of her eyes. I wipe away her tears. "Do you want me to leave?" She hesitantly nods and I get up. "Love you." She nods and rolls over. I slide the curtain shut and walk away.

"Is she okay? I could hear her crying." I look over and Camila sitting the the couch. "Yeah she's fine. Just give her some space. Anyways, Lauren with Kane?" They both nod. I go to the fridge and take a Sprite. I sit down next to Camila. "Ooo Mila who're you talking tooooo?" She blushes and turn her phone away from me. I look up at Dinah and she nods. She walks up behind Camila.

"She's talking to Austin!!" She smirks. I turn my attention back to Camila. "Wait didn't you two break up?"

"Yeah. But we're still friends." I nod. "So how do you guys feel about Kane and Lauren?" I ask.

"I mean, as long as she's happy... But I don't know about Kane. Sure, they've known each other for a long time and they were practically best friends, they never seemed to like each other that way at all until what? December?" I look over at Dinah, who seems in shock by what Camila just said.

"Mila has a good point Ally."

"But they did have a very flirtatious relationship guys. Even when Lauren was dating Brad." They both nodded.

"Maybe we should ask them about it?" Dinah questioned. I look over at Camila and she nods. "What do we say though?" Mila asks. I shrug and turn to Dinah. "Don't know."


"Hey Lolo." Camila greets Lauren as she walks into the bus. "Hey guys." I smile at her and go back to making myself a snack. "I have a question Lauren." Dinah says as she walks over to the couch, Lauren follows. "What's up D?" Lauren asks.

"Well, uh, we were kinda curious about you and Kane. I mean you two never seemed to like each other in this way until now. Don't get me wrong, you two are absolutely perfect together, but I just wanna know the truth."

She sighs and looks at me. I stare back at her until she speaks.

"Well you see, it started as a fake relationship.." Camila cuts her off and looks at Dinah. "I KNEW IT! YOU OWE ME $10!!" Dinah sighs and hands Camila a $10 bill. Lauren looks in shock.

"You guys bet on mine and Kane's relationship?" They both nod and Lauren continues to talk.

"Like I said, started as a fake relationship, but then I started getting feelings for him. It was that day when we stopped at a gas station so I could go in his bus, he said he had feelings for me too. So we made it actually official, and yeah." She looks up at me and I smile.

"Thank you."

"No more betting on me." I roll my eyes as Dinah and Camila say no.

"Anyways, where Mani?" Lauren asks. "Oh she's in bed."

"Hasn't woken up yet?" I shake my head. "We should probably wake her up though, we have to go soon." Dinah says, I nod and Dinah walks back to wake her up.


"So Kane, figure out your set list yet?" I ask. He looks up at me. "I still have a couple more songs to add then i'll be done." I smile. "What songs do you have so far?" He hands me the paper and I read over the songs. I stop at one I don't recognize.

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