3- You Guys Take A Detour?

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It's a week before my album comes out and everyone is really excited. Fifth Harmony's album "Reflection" came out about a month ago and they're doing great. Their tour starts the day after my album is released. I'm joining them as an opener. Everyone is excited about that as well.

Today I have to go to a meeting to talk about the tour. I love meetings. Not. I grabbed my keys and headed out to my truck. Yes, I have multiple cars. I have a black 2012 4 door Ford F150, a black 2013 Charger, and a white 2013 Kia Forte just cause it gets good gas mileage. I drive to Fifth Harmony's studio, where the meeting is taking place. I park and walk in. I go to the conference room and sit down next to Lauren. Once everyone is there, the girls' managers start to talk. As much as I'd love to be interested in what they're saying, I'm not. Instead I just sit there looking at Lauren's intertwined with mine.

I'm contemplating whether or not to tell her my true feelings. Maybe I will.

"Kane? Are you listening?" I look up and see everyone staring at me. "Uh yeah of course." I say quietly. "Start listening." I nod and look at Lauren. She's look at me too. I smile and look down. She puts her head on my shoulder and I lay my head on hers.

"So we're leaving here at 9:30AM on Thursday morning. Got it?" We all nod. "Any questions?" No one says anything. "Okay. Then we should be done here." Everyone stands up. I turn and grab Lauren's waist pulling her towards me. She wraps her arms around my neck. We both just stand there looking at each other smiling, until someone speaks up.

"C'mon love birds. I'm hungry." I turn around and look at Camila. She smirks and I grab Lauren's hand and pull her towards my car. "You're riding with me." I say as we walk outside. She doesn't object. I open the door for her and help her in. I walk over to my side and get in as well.

"How many vehicles do you have?" She asks raising one eyebrow. "1 truck, 2 cars, a four-wheeler, a dirt bike and a motorcycle. Why do you ask?" I glance over at her and shes speechless. "Holy shit. Why do you need so much?" I laugh.

"I don't need it. They're just nice to have. You know, in case a vehicle is broke down. The Kia gets good gas mileage. The Charger just looks fucking sexy. This is good for gravel roads whenever I go visit my family in Minnesota. The four wheeler and dirt bike are fun as hell. And motorcycles are cool." She nods as we pull into the parking lot of some fancy restaurant.

I shut off the truck and walk over to her side, helping her out. We walk inside and see everyone waiting for us. "You guys take a detour?" Dinah says wiggling her eyebrows. I roll my eyes and she laughs. A waitress brings us to our table and we all order drinks.

Camila, Ally, Dinah, and Normani are on one end of the table, then it's Katie and Fifth Harmony's manager. Then at the other end is Lauren and I.

Katie turns her head and looks at me and Lauren holding hands over the table. She smiles and says, "You two are doing a really good job." We both nod. "Thanks." Lauren says. Katie nods and pulls her phone out of her purse.

I turn to Lauren. "So, are you excited for the tour?" She smiles. "I'm so excited. What about you?" I nod. "Are you nervous?" She sighs. "Not really. I mean, we've gone on tours before, but never on our own, you know?" I nod. "Yeah I get it. But you know what's gonna suck?" She looks up at me. "What's that?"

"Having to be in a bus all by myself for 4 months." She giggles as the waitors bring us our food.

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