8- Phone Call

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We finish up our show and walk back into our dressing room. I change into comfier clothes and look at the girls as I walk towards the door. "Im gonna go find Kane." They all nod. "You sleeping in his bus tonight?" I smile. "Yeah probably." I walk out the door and begin to search for Kane's dressing room. I continue to look around until I bump into somebody. I look in front of me and see Katie. "Shit I'm sorry Katie!" She smiles. "It's fine." She starts to walk away when I stop her. "Where's Kane's dressing room?" She motions for me to follow her. We turn down a long hallway and stop in front of a door that said his name on it.

I open the door and see him laying on the couch, sleeping. I walk over to him and shake him a little.

"Wake up." He starts to stir around, so I shake him harder. "Kane Mitchell Hayek wake up right now." His eyes start to open as he sits up. "Hey." He says. I smile. "Ready to go?" He nods and grabs his bag. We walk out the door and make our way to the back exit, hand in hand. We meet up with the girls by the exit. "Hey love birds." I roll my eyes and look over at Kane, who's face is as red as a tomato. Someone's phone goes off and everyone takes out their phone to see if it was them. I rested my head on Kane's shoulder and watched as he read the text he received.

From Mom; Hey Kane. Your biological parents would like to see you again, I told them you were busy working, but they said they need to see you again. Give them a call and tell them you're on tour?

He sighed and started typing back.

To Mom; Thanks for telling me. Yeah I will call them later tonight.

He pressed send and slid his phone back into his pocket. He looked down at me and smiled. We were interrupted by someone coughing.

"You guys coming? Or are you sleeping here tonight?" We both nod and walk out the doors. "Do you want me to stay with you tonight?" He nods and I drag him to my bus to get some clothes. I pack a small bag and walk to his bus. I set my bag on his bed and go into the kitchen. "Hungry?" I nod and he starts to cook up supper.

"So when are you gonna call them?" I ask. She shrugs. "Probably when we're done eating." I nod and go back go eating my meal. Once I finish, I set the plate in the sink and go change into the clothes I'd brought with. I walk into the lounge and he him on the phone.

"I told you. I'm too busy right now."

"Why do you care anyways?!"

"I will come and visit in a couple weeks, okay?"

He hangs up and turns around and looks at me. He sighs and slides his phone into his pocket. "You okay?" I ask, concerned. He nods and sits down. I go and sit next to him. "What did they say?"

"That I never visit, which is stupid cause usually if you put your child up for adoption, you don't see them anymore.! They weren't happy about us together either, but I don't care cause it's not their life." He grabs my hand. "I love you, you know." I nod, too deep in thought to speak. He pulls me into a hug and I tense up at first, but eventually relax and wrap my arms around him. "Talk to me Lauren." I shake my head. "Let's just go to bed." He nods as I drag him to bed.


Yes, I know, ugh authors notes.

Yes, I know, ugh short chapter.


Yes, I know, ugh crappy chapter.

Sorry, I guess.

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