21- Happy Birthday

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I tried to walk as quietly as possible up the stairs and into Lauren's room. "Dinah! Quiet!" I whisper. "Sorry." I open the door and look in to see that she's asleep and facing the wall. I look back at Dinah and she nods walking up to her.

"Lauren, if I'm up so are you." Dinah yanked all the blankets away causing Lauren to sit up and glare at her. "Your boo made me wake your ass up," Dinah said, gesturing towards me. Lauren looked over at me and smiled.

"Happy birthdayyy," I said. Lauren smiled and got up. "Breakfast is waiting come down when you're ready. She nodded and Dinah and I left. "How long have you two been together now?"

"6 months last Friday."

"What are you doing today?"

"Stuff," Dinah sighed. "Come on, tell me. I won't tell her!" I stopped walking and looked at her, raising one eyebrow. "Okay, okay. Don't tell me."

We walked into the dining room and we both sat down at the table and continued talking until Lauren came down and joined us.

"You guys didn't have to wait for me."

"Well too bad, we did. Now eat." She rolled her eyes picking up some bacon and putting it on her plate.


"So where are we going?"



"I don't get why you ask- you know I'm not going to tell you." She shrugged, "It was worth a try." I nodded and turned up the radio.

After another 20 minutes of sitting in a comfortable silence, we pulled up outside a large building.

"Where are we?"

"You sure ask a lot of question." She nodded again, "Well let's go." We exited the car and I grabbed her hand as we walked inside.

"Okay seriously. Tell me what we're doing."

"I am going to help you conquer your fear of heights. We, my dear girlfriend, are going skydiving." I looked over at her and watched as she turned pale.

"Trust me, you'll have fun. Just shut your eyes and pretend you're flying." She nodded and squeezed my hand.


"Shit shit shit. Nope. I can't do it, not happening Kane."

"Come on. I'll be there with you the whole time. Okay? Now Lauren Michelle Jauregui, will you jump out of this plane with me?" She nodded and I inched us closer to the edge. "Okay, now close your eyes." She did as I said and closed her eyes as I turned us around. "Ready?" She nodded.

"Okay. 3,2,1.."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and fell back. As soon as she couldn't feel the floor beneath her feet, she began screaming.

"Holy shit! Oh my god, Kane! What the hell are we doing!!?"

I laughed, "We're flying. Open your eyes." She shook her head, "No."

"Then I'm not opening the parachute."

Her eyes immediately flew open then closed again. "That doesn't count. Look at how beautiful this is!" She opened her eyes again and tightened her grip on me, but remained silent.

"Wow. This is... amazing. Thank you." I nodded, leaning down and kissing her.

"Happy 19th birthday Lauren." She smiled as I pulled the key to her parachute out.

"Shit what do I do?"

"Just run."

Her feet hit the ground and she speed walked a few steps and then fell on top of me. I unbuckled her harness and she stood up. I then did the same to mine.

"Did you have fun?"

"Of course!" I smiled as we walked back into the building. "Good." We walk out to the car and I start it. "So what would you like to do now?"

"Umm I guess we could-"


I started to drive. "Where are we going?" I roll my eyes, "Why do you always ask that?"

"I'm a curious person, okay?" I nod.



2 Weeks Later

From Lauren; hey can you come over?

To Lauren; yeah why? Is everything okay?

From Lauren; I'll explain when you get here.

To Lauren; okay be there soon..

I grabbed my keys and walked out the door. I hopped into my car and took off. I heard my phone go off in my pocket.

"Nope, not this time."

After a few minutes, I pulled up to Fifth Harmony's house and turned off the car. I walked up to the door and knocked. Dinah answered. "Oh guys it's just Kane!" She said as she walked away, leaving the door open. I stepped inside, "Who were you expecting?" Ally turned around from the other side of the couch and looked at me. "What do you think? Mila ordered like 5 pizzas." I looked at the clock on the wall and said, "At 10 in the morning?" She smiled and nodded. "Lauren's in her room."

"Thanks." I turn and run up the stairs and down the hall. I knock on her door and hear a faint voice say, "Come in." I open the door and see Lauren laying in bed with tears streaming down her face. I shut the door and run over to the bed and lay down next to her. She curls into my side as I say, "What's wrong?"

"N-nothing's wrong." I roll my eyes. "You're crying Lauren. Tell me what happened."

"Well I've been getting morning sickness the past couple days.."


"I- I'm pregnant, Kane."


Omg I just had to... xD

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