Chapter 1

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Ryan's POV

I need coffee.

I've been up for 27 hours straight studying for midterms and I haven't eaten in about 14 hours. I guess that's just college, right?

I force myself out of my dorm for the first time in longer than I can remember and walk to the closest Starbucks on campus. I order a venti black iced coffee with an extra shot. Anything else is too sweet.

I pay as the barista gives me dirty look, who the hell knows why. I shoot her a sarcastic "Thanks!" and walk over to a small table in the corner while I wait for my coffee.

I've been going to Cal Poly for almost three years and I still haven't made many friends. Don't get me wrong, I'm not one of those "I'm not like other girls" kinds of people, I just don't fit with anyone I've talked to. Other than my roommate, Remy, I guess.

The first thing she said to me when we met was, "you have a dude's name!" I knew she would be my best friend. No one had ever been that up-front about it, and I loved her for it.

My parents decided to say screw gender norms and name me Ryan. They think that makes them the cool-liberal parents that they'd always wanted to be, but to me it just makes them mean. I mean, I can't even count the amount of subs or new teachers that gave me a confused look when they called my name in roll call.

I called Remy because I started feeling awkward sitting alone. She answered on the second ring.

"Hey!" She yelled.

"Hi. Meet me at Starbucks?"

"Oohhh I'd love to, but we can't."

"We?" I laugh. She always does this, refers to us as one person.

"Yeah. You have an audition and I have to be there." She explained

"What the fuck do you mean I have an audition? For what?" I exclaimed. I wasn't ready for anything more than a nap today.

"I don't know, some band's opener bailed last minute and they need a replacement fast, so I offered you up." She sounded bored.

"How did you even hear about this?"

"Ani told me! I guess her cousin's friend is the drummer or something. Oh! It's in an hour by the way." She giggled.

"What the fuck, Remy?" I tried to mask my excitement with anger. I had played shows before and I had a small following, maybe a few thousand weekly listeners on Spotify, but nothing that would lead to this big of a step in my career.

"I'll meet you at the dorm in five." She hung up.

I grabbed my coffee and ran out the door. At my dorm, I'm greeted by my best friend holding a pair of baggy dark-wash jeans and a tube top.

"Seriously?" I laugh.

"Yep!" She squealed, handing me the outfit. She jumped on the bed while I turned around and changed.

"Holy crap you're gorgeous." She deadpanned.

"Whatever you say..." I had shoulder-length brown hair that always seemed to be a little messy, but not in a good way. The most makeup I wore at any given time was mascara and lipgloss 'cause I've never been good at it. I slipped on my black Doc Martins and posed in front of the mirror, trying to get myself excited for the audition that I might be late for.

"Holy shit, ok, let's go. We're gonna be so goddamn late. Oh my god." Remy mumbled as I grabbed my bass from the corner by my bed.

We rushed to her car and we're on our way.

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