Chapter 5

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Ryan's POV

I woke up to the sound of something heavy hitting the floor. I rolled over in my bunk and turned on my phone, squinting my eyes from the shock of the brightness. It was 7:45 AM, which was earlier than I'd planned on getting up. Still, I knew it wouldn't be worth it to go back to sleep, so I decided to investigate the noise.

I slide out of my bunk and throw my hair into a quick bun before stepping into the lounge area. Otto stood in front of the fridge.

"Mornin'" I said sleepily.

"Oh, shit, did I wake you?" He jumped.

"No, you're good. What's for breakfast?" I joked.

"Cereal bars" he replied.

I held out my hand and he tossed me one. As I took a bite I mumbled, "most important meal of the day..."

Otto snorts and sits in front of an opened computer which was sitting on the small table. He scrolls through some sort of website, reading. To prevent awkwardness, I pull out my phone and scroll through Twitter.

@awsten and @underscoregeoff followed you.

A loud groan makes both of us turn toward the bunks. Awsten slumps down onto the couch and scratches his head.

"Well good morning sleeping beauty!" I mock. His hair looked even more insane than usual, sticking out in all different directions. He wore black sweatpants and a bright blue Waterparks hoodie, which is probably from their last tour.

"Haha. You're hilarious." He deadpanned.

He slowly stood up from his place on the couch and walked over to the fridge, grabbing his orange juice and drinking most of what was left from the night before.

"I need coffee," I mumble.

"Okay, me and Ryan are going on a coffee run." Awsten says to Otto, who nods.

"We are?" I laugh. He reminded me of Remy.

"Yep. Grab your shoes, I'll meet you her in three- no, two minutes."


Awsten pulls up the closest Starbucks on his phone and we start walking. Somehow, he still hadn't fully woken up. But I might just be saying that because I'm a morning person. I look over at him in his sweats and Vans, and somehow he still looked put together. He was staring at his shoes as he walked, his eyebrows knitted together and eyes squinted like the sun was too bright for him.

After five minutes of walking in silence, we finally make it to the Starbucks. Awsten holds the door open for me, pretending to be a gentleman. "After you, my lady," he says.

I laugh and step into the line. I look at the board above the baristas depicting different drinks, even though I get the same thing every time.

"Next!" The barista yells.

"Hi, uh, can I get a venti black iced coffee?" I push the words out of my mouth.

"Yeah, anything else?" She asks.

"No, that's it." She tells me my total and I hand her my card. I step off to the side and wait for Awsten to order his drink. When he's done paying, he waits with me. After a minute or so one of the baristas calls my name and I grab my drink.

"Is that just black coffee?" He asks, a disgusted look on his face.

"Fuck you! They always put too much shit in it." I nudge him, "what did you get?"

"Iced white mocha, extra shot of espresso, pump of raspberry-"

"You did NOT just fucking say you put raspberry in a goddamn mocha!" That's the most disgusting thing I've ever heard.

"It's a white mocha, so shut the fuck up." He deadpans. He squints his eyes to make himself look meaner (it doesn't work). I laugh at his attempt and he nudged me in the shoulder.


We walk back to the bus, agreeing that we both ordered equally gross drinks (even though his was insane). Halfway through, I notice a small record shop.

"We have to go in!" I say, dragging him behind me.

The store was lined with posters from various bands and movies. CD's hung from the ceiling above rows and rows of vinyl records. I walk through the isles, sipping my coffee as I go. I pick out a few records along the way, even though I know I won't buy them. Talon of the Hawk by The Front Bottoms, Melophobia by Cage the Elephant, and Hozier's self-titled album. I walk over to the W's and sift through them until I find what I'm looking for. Awsten is off somewhere looking at CD's. I find him looking at a Taylor Swift album before putting it back. I tap his shoulder and he jumps when he turns around. He rolls his eyes at the Fandom vinyl in my hands.

"How long did it take you to find that?" He laughs, taking it from me and admiring it.

"Not long," I laugh. It looks like he's holding his baby, which I guess he kind of is.

I snatch it from his hands and walk up to the register. A short bald man smiles at me and takes the records from my hands. He starts ringing me up. I had forgotten about the others I was holding.

"Oh, um, sorry just the green one," I laughed.

"Are you sure?" He smiled.

"Umm... yeah. I'm not sure I have enough to cover the others." He nods, understanding. I wait for him to bag the record when Awsten appears at my side.

"You know I could've gotten you that for free, right?" He asks, squinting his eyes.

"Yeah, I know, but this way it's, like, actually mine... that sounds dumb, okay..." I laugh.

"No, it doesn't. I'm just saying..." he says as we walk out. "Hang on a second, wait here," he says. I do as told.

A couple minutes pass and awsten walks out with a big smile plastered on his face and bag with a few records in it.

"What'd you get?" I ask him.

"I'm not telling' you," he says, like a two year old.

"You're so fuckin' annoying!" I laugh as I push him.


@user792: I'm so excited!!! You better play Group Chat!!!!!
@awsten: FUCK YEAH

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