Part 30

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A/N- Hi!! I'd just like to say thank you SO MUCH for 1k reads!! This has been really fun to write and I really appreciate it!

Awsten's POV

After dinner Ryan and I got ice cream and then went back to my apartment. I think we've gotten over the awkwardness of me asking her to move in with me. Why did I do that? Can someone remind me?

Right now we're laying on the couch watching Gilmore Girls. I'm not really paying attention, though, because Ryan is currently laying on my side and I can't think about anything else. She draws little circles on the palm of my hand unknowingly, but it fills up my senses until I feel like I'm breathing her in with every breath. The spell she has me under is broken when she has to get up for water.

"Can I ask you something?" She says, standing on her tip-toes and grabbing a glass.

I sit up and turn to sort of half-face her. "Yeah."

"Are you my boyfriend? I know what I said while we were eating but... are you my boyfriend?" She fills up her water and sits back down next to me.

"I think so? I don't know," She took me by surprise, that's for sure, but I guess that's something I'm going to have to get used to. "I mean, I am if you want me to be."

"Okay..." she looks down at the glass in her hands for a little while, "Okay, yeah. I think I want you to be."

"You think?" I ask. I don't want her to rush into this if it's not what she actually wants.

"No, sorry, that's not what I meant. I mean- yes, yes I want you to be."

I kiss her.

"It's gonna suck when I'm back at school but-"

I kiss her again.


"Ryan, I could care less right now."

She lets me kiss her again.

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