Chapter 25

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Ryan's POV

This Starbucks is too loud. My computer screen is too bright. For the first time ever, this coffee is too bitter for me. Everything around me feels off, but I can't seem to figure out why.

The last two weeks have been fine. Awsten left and we were able to get a rhythm going. We FaceTime every night (we've only each missed one or two because we got caught up in school or work). We're texting constantly, and it almost feels like he's here with me. I shouldn't miss him. But I guess I do.

I don't want to, there's no reason to. He's only a couple hours away. If I had a car I could go see him on weekends. He could come see me. He offered once, the week after he left. He was so excited, but I said no. I think it would be harder to focus on what I really need to focus on if he kept coming and going. It's like, I wouldn't care about the week because I'd be so focused on the weekends. It's just not practical.

And for about a week and a half, this was good. We FaceTimed, we texted, called, the whole nine yards. Remy even helped me get out of things so that I could talk to Awsten. But right now, all I can think about is getting out of public areas and into the comfort of my dorm. I pack quickly shove my computer into my laptop case and sling it over my shoulder before tossing my coffee on the way out.

I get home to Remy and her new girlfriend, Jade. Jade is tall, way taller than Remy and I. She has long red hair and a button nose, face dotted with freckles. She wears red lipstick pretty much all the time, and I see traces of it on Remy's lips.

"Sorry, you want me to go?" I say awkwardly.

"No, stay! We're just watching a movie!" Jade laughs and nods at the laptop that sits at the foot of their bed. The Perks of Being a Wallflower plays, and it reminds me of Awsten. Remy sees my discomfort and speaks.

"There's this party tonight," she begins, "I know you've been in a funk lately 'cause of Awsten or whatever, but you should come. Seriously."

I don't want to go. But I know I should. Plus, Remy wants me too, and she's almost impossible to say no to.

"Okay, yeah. Sure." I reply.

"Yay!" Jade squeals, getting up from her spot, "what are you gonna wear?"

"Uh, I don't know. Is there a theme or anything?"

Remy shakes her head no.

Jade digs through my closet, pulling things out and holding them up to me until she finds something she thinks looks good.

"Okay, you're wearing this. End of discussion." She hands me the 'outfit' which is really just some black shorts and a bralette. I stand, waiting for her to give me the rest of it, but all she hands me are some fishnet stockings.

"You want me to wear this?" I hold up the clothes.

Jade nods. I flick my eyes over to Remy, who only laughs and shrugs.

"Fine." I say reluctantly, "Why time is the party?"

"It starts at nine but we're going at ten 'cause we're getting dinner before. You can come if you want, or we can just pick you up here on our way." Remy explains.

"Oh, please come! It'd be so much fun." Jade pleads. She's trying really hard to get on my good side.

"I have a some homework that I'd like to get out of the way, if you don't mind. Sorry." I say.

Jade pouts a little, but sits back down to watch the rest of the movie with Remy. It's 3:49pm, and I only have eleven minutes until my FaceTime with Awsten. I put my AirPods in, shuffling my playlist. 18 by Anarbor comes on and I let my mind drift. Five minutes later, I'm pulled out of my daydream by a text from Awsten.

hey, i feel like shit so sry if i'm a little weird on facetjme. i miss you

He's sweet. I miss him too. I quickly type out a reply:

damn, are you sick? i miss you too

He types back after a couple minutes, and I can tell he's not lying by all the typos he makes.

ya, a litle. idk. miss yo. a lot

I type out a simple talk in a few and return back to my music, a smile plastered onto my face.



I've called him four times.

He won't pick up.

I've texted him about a hundred times.

He won't text back.

He's probably just asleep, I'll try again in an hour.


5:52 pm

Still asleep.


7:19 pm

I'll text him one more time.



Okay, I'm ready for that party now.

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