Chapter 33

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Ryan's POV

"I don't want to get up."

"Well you have to," Awsten walks out of his room and into the kitchen. He quickly comes back with a cup of coffee.

"You know me so well," I grin and take the coffee out of his hand and take a sip. This morning is just... perfect. "Come sit with me!"

"Ryan, we have to leave in, like," he clicks his phone on and checks, "an hour."

"So we're swimming in time!" I grab his arm and pull him to a seat next to me. I reach over him and set the coffee down on the table next to his bed.

He looks at me like he's annoyed, but I know it's just a front. I brush the hair out of his eyes and he's back to being Awsten.

"Ryan?" He takes my hand and rubs circles on my wrist.

I lean forward and kiss him. "Yes?"

He adjusts his position so that he's facing me completely. "I love you."


"You, uh, you love me?" Woah.

He drops my hand. "Was that too soon? I'm sorry, you don't have to say it back, I understa-"

I kiss him softly and look him in the eyes. If he means it, I'll see it. He looks down. He means it.

I kiss him again. "I love you too." I mean it.

He looks back up at me. "Yeah?" I kiss him one more time.

He laughs and kisses me harder. I'm so happy, I feel like I could cry. My hands go to his hair and he pulls me on top of him. "You're gorgeous, did I ever tell you that?" He's perfect.

I kiss him again. "I think you've mentioned it once or twice," I say through a smile.

Awsten sits up more and pulls off his shirt. God. He's just... beautiful. I remember not to stare but if I'm being honest, all I want to do is stare. I pull of my own shirt and now it's his turn to not be sure what to do. He's better at this than me, he actually knows what to do. He kisses me and tells me how much he loves me and how he's wanted to tell me for a while and God I do love him but can we move this along?

I start undoing his jeans. "Wow, am I just an object to you? Damn Ryan." He laughs and helps me with his jeans.


My head rests on his chest so that I can hear his heartbeat. It's a perfect rhythm and I can't help but memorize it. His breathing is slightly too fast but he does his best to slow it down. God, I love him.

"Ryan, I just want to say how glad I am that we're doing this." He says after a few minutes.

"Having sex?" I tease.

"Yes," He laughs and kisses me, "but also just... being together. I mean it. I do love you."

"I know. I love you too." I sit up and pull his shirt on.  "We have to be at my parents in a half hour."

"Alright, lets get up."

(We don't get up.)


"I'm sorry, Mom, we lost track of time." I squeeze Awsten's hand reassuringly. He was so nervous on the drive over here that he missed our exit twice.

"Yes, well, now I get twenty minutes less with you and your new boyfriend." My mom says, directing the attention to him. "Awsten, is it?"

"Yes, hi. How are you?" He squeezes my hand back.

"I'm well. You can call me Sarah. Ryan's dad is just in the other room, shall we?" She leads us to the living room and takes a seat on the couch. My dad sits on the big leather reclining chair that's been ripped up by my cat Uno. He's basically the fattest thing alive, but he can scratch, I'll give him that.

"Uh, hellos, sir." Awsten says, standing awkwardly in front of him.

"Hi Awsten, I'm Christopher, how are ya?" My dad beams. He's always been nicer than my mom.

Awsten's shoulders lower and he smiles back, says a quick "I'm good, thanks" and sits down next to me on the couch.

We talk for a while, which mostly consists of my mom grilling Awsten with questions about the band, his neon hair, whatever else she can think of. My dad and I team up to try to deflect them as much as possible, but sometimes she wins and he actually has to answer. It's all going fine until my mom decides to show him around the house and just won't let me go with. I feel so bad and Awsten looked so scared, and I quietly promise him I'll make it up to him.

"That can't be good," my dad says. "Hopefully she doesn't scare the poor boy too bad."

"She will." I say without missing a beat.


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