Chapter 28

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Ryan's POV

It's been about a month and a half since I last saw Awsten in person. We continued FaceTiming almost every day, and texting when we couldn't. I miss him... a lot. We still aren't technically dating, and as much as it sucks, I think it's for the best. I don't want to date and have it be perfect while we're away and then not know what to do when we're actually together.

But today is the last day of my third year of college. Next year I'll finally be able to rent an apartment from Remy, mostly because she has an actual job and I'm still getting a little money from merch sales and streams on Spotify.

I have my last final today in Developmental Psychology, which is my least favorite class. It's not that I don't like psychology, but the professor can't get a sentence out without coughing. Makes it hard to concentrate.

Awsten's probably more excited than me, texting me every ten minutes to tell me he's almost here. He had begged me to let him pick me up the second I could leave, and I could hardly say no. The only problem is that he'll get here when I'm in the middle of my final, so he'll have to kill about an hour of time before I actually get to see him. To say that I'm excited would be a huge understatement.

In the last month Awsten has sent me three bouquets of flowers for absolutely no reason. Every time they come with a cute little note that put in my phone case to keep with me (yeah, I'm cute like that). I can only imagine what he's gonna do when we're actually together.


It's 1:45, time for my final. I text Awsten to let him know why I won't answer for the next two hours and then power off my phone and shove it into my bag.

The test is fairly easy, and I know most of the questions without having to think too hard. A couple give me trouble, but I think it'll be fine, especially because it's all multiple choice. I finish with a half-hour to spare. I hand in my test, double checking that I wrote my name and say a quiet thank you to the professor.

When I turn my phone back on, I'm greeted by about a dozen IM HERE!!! texts from Awsten. He's at the Starbucks closest to my building. I text him back coming rn and speed walk as fast as I can without looking insane.

A couple minutes later I walk into the Starbucks, searching for a head of bright green hair. I spot him sitting at a corner table facing the door, but he's too concentrated on his phone to notice me walk in. I manage to stand right in front of him before he notices me.

"Hi." I say casually, unable to keep my smile from growing.

"Oh my god, hi!" He stands up quickly and wraps me into a tight hug.

I hug him back, maybe too tight but I don't care. I breathe him in, not wanting to let go because if I do, what if he goes away? We finally pull away and he kisses me quickly, causing my face to turn red almost instantly.

"How was your test?" He asks, grabbing my hand as we walk out. Our fingers lace together perfectly.

"It was good, thanks." I can't remember the last time I was this happy. Probably the last time I saw him. "We should go move your car to the loading area so I can get all my stuff packed and we can leave."

"Oh, shit, right, I forgot about that." He lets out a small laugh and we make our way towards his car.

On the way there he tells me a bunch of stories that I've already heard, but hearing him so excited makes me excited, so I don't say anything. When we finally reach his car, I convince him to let me drive because he doesn't know where he's going.

"Okay, you wait here and I'll grab my stuff. It'll only take, like, twenty minutes, max. Most of the stuff is Remy's." I explain once I've parked.

"No, I wanna help! I'm a fuckin' gentleman." He says matter-of-factly.

"Well in that case..." I lean over and give him a quick kiss before running towards my room.

I feel like a little kid, so excited about everything all the time. He runs after me, cornering me when we finally get to my room. I fumble for my key, trying to get inside as quick as possible and lock him out. Just as I'm about to do it, he squeezes past the door.

"That was mean." He said sarcastically.

"Was it? Huh." I tease. I'm challenging him, prompting him to get closer to me.

He does, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into a long kiss. My hands gravitate toward his neck, wanting more. His kiss is sweet, yet aggressive at the same time, like he's been waiting for this. I have, too.

After a couple minutes we finally pull away. I ruffle up his hair and start gathering my stuff up without saying a word.

"Boxes on the left are mine." I quickly say before walking out with arms full of stuff.

I hear him murmur a quiet fuck under his breath as I walk out.


After way longer than expected, we've finally packed up all of my junk and are ready to leave. Cal Poly is a good school and I don't mind living there, but it is nice to get to go home. I'll be living with my parents in LA for the summer, which is a helluva lot closer to Awsten than San Louis Obispo.

He lets me play music, which mostly consists of The Front Bottoms, Yungblud, Conan Gray, and a little One Direction just for fun. Awsten hums quietly to himself when he knows the songs. Throughout the entire two hour drive, I'm either looking at Awsten of or the window. We're laughing and joking around, but every once in a while he gets serious and says "I really, really missed you, you know." For the first time in a long time I'm perfectly content.

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