Chapter 3

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Ryan's POV

Two days after the audition, Remy gets a call from Jacob. All I hear is her gasping and then talking about what I'd be payed, how long the tour would be, et cetra. She seems to think she's my manager.

When she hangs up, she looks at me and nods. We both scream and the same time and jump around. This is my first real tour!

"Okay, so," Remy begins "wardrobe."

"How long am I gonna be gone?" I ask.

"About a month and a half." My eyes widen. That's a lot longer than I thought.

"Umm... okay, then just pack... everything?" I giggle.

"How about I pack for you?" Remy laughs as she opens my drawers. "You can plan all the musical shit."

"Shit?" I laugh as I feign hurt.

"Yep!" She laughs.

I couldn't believe that in less than a week I'd be on tour. This was the biggest thing to happen in my career, ever.

After Remy has gone through my entire clothing collection, we lay on the floor and listen to music. After ten minutes of this, we leave and get coffee. Neither of us have a great attention span


I wake up at six AM to Remy sipping up my suitcase. I pretend to still be asleep, but it doesn't work. She jumps on my bed, forcing me to sit up.

"Are you excited? You leave today!" She squeals.

"Uh-huh." I say, wiping the sleep from my eyes.

"Come on, I'll get you a coffee." She knows me too well.


Remy drives me to the spot where the van is supposed to pick me up. We stand next to her car and wait. After ten minutes, a big bus rolls into the parking lot. It comes to a stop a couple yards away from us.

A tall man, a little older than me runs out of the bus, towards the bathrooms. Two others follow, one with longer brown hair and one with short bright green hair. A man with long blond hair walks towards me.

"Ryan?" He asks.

"Um, yeah. Hi." I spit out.

"Usually you'd be in a van, but you're only one person and we had an extra bunk so you'll be in the bus with the band. Sorry." He laughs.

"Oh yeah, no that's totally fine!" Remy nudges my side. "This is my friend Remy, by the way."

"I'm Lucas. You guys wanna come meet the band?"

"Of course!" I laugh. "Remy's gotta leave pretty soon, though."

"It won't take long." Lucas reassures me.

We walk towards the bus, where the two boys are standing.

"Where the hell is Otto?" Lucas asks them.

"He has to piss." The green-haired boy says.

Lucas rolls his eyes and turns to me. "Ryan, this is Awsten." He says, motioning towards the one with bright hair. "And this is Geoff."

I smile at them and they smile back.

"Nice hair." I say to Awsten, trying to make conversation while Lucas runs off to find Otto.

"Thanks, man." He replies. "Shit, wait, you're not a dude. My bad."

"It's all good" I laugh. "Oh, and this is Remy. She's just dropping me off."

We wait for Otto and Lucas to return. When they finally do, Lucas formally introduces Otto and I. I say my goodbyes to Remy and give her a huge hug.

"Don't fuck up" is all she says before walking back to her car.

We walk into the bus and I'm amazed by how much smaller it is on the inside. Not tiny, but it seems strange that so many people will be living in it for the next month and a half.

Lucas gives me the grand tour and I choose a bunk. I wanted one as far back as possible so I could stay up later without bothering anyone.

Lucas leaves me to settle in, which doesn't take long. I plug in my phone and walk to the kitchen area to find Awsten sitting on the couch eating blueberries.

"Hey." I say, grabbing a bottle of water.

"Hey." He replies. "We've been on the road for an hour and I'm already bored out of my mind."

I laugh. "Yeah, me too. Wanna do something?"

"Like what?" He asks.

I think for a second. "I don't know... Wanna watch a show to something?"

"Yeah, sure. The Office sound good?" He questions.

"Yeah, I love that show!" I giggle.

"We're gonna be good friends."

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